Truth Of Politics

Truth from our Forefathers in the USA.




The Statement by Thomas Jefferson is as true in his time as it is today ……and increasingly more so today. The Forefathers of the creators of the USA wanted freedom from Tyranny of the lands they left. I am taking time here to make this page on the Truth of Politics now because many have forgotten the essence of why the USA became such a great Nation so quickly.

“I have sworn … eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man”

(Thomas Jefferson)

The Truth of Politics is that less of it, “Government”, is what made the USA different from other major progressive societies so quickly ….. but ….. that is all changing now before our eyes and it is just a natural progression that seems to always happen from Ancient times to Now.

(I really wanted to call this page, “The Truth of Politics & Government From Ancient Times Till Now” but that title was just too long. Truth in Politics is just the simplest title I could come up with to say so much in a title.)

In England, there was such a thing called “Feudalism” in place. This is where the King assigned lands to people and they controlled their lands and collected the taxes from the people that they let farm those lands. These taxes would have been collected in the form of money or goods or most times both.

Generally, the people that worked the lands barely had enough to sustain their families after these taxes were paid to the King. The more land they had, the more taxes they had to pay. Being bigger was not a great advantage in these times.

You did not own the land in these times, you were just allowed to have a contract with the land Barons and they allowed you to live and farm the land by proxy from the King of England.

The United States was supposed to be where people had their own land and only paid taxes for the protection of the Nation in which they lived. If you look at the Federalist Papers before the Constitution was created, this was the forerunner of what the Constitution was going to be based on.

Now, we seem to have a Government in the USA that is running roughshod over the basis of this immensely monumental document, the “Constitution”, that the USA is based on. More lands are being taken by the Federal Government through the “Death Tax.”

This land grab attains lands from people that have owned the land for over a hundred years or longer and requires an exorbitant tax to be paid by the family upon the death of the individual that owned it. You can’t just “Will” the land to your heirs any longer and let them carry on with making money on this land. You have to pay this monumental tax that is so high that most can not pay it. Thusly, if you can not pay this tax, the Government acquires this land through non payment of taxes.

This even happens with homes that are on small lots and these homes are sold by the County for non payment of property taxes. Any money in excess that is gotten from the auction of these properties goes to the heirs….. if they can be found or come forward to get this money. In the mean time, the County makes money off of interest paid on the account that holds this money.

This land grab by the Federal Government for non payment of the Death Tax resembles a long term goal of owning most of the land that was owned by individuals once owned since this Nation was formed. This Death Tax seems to be a long term plan of a land grab that resembles this Feudalism, that I briefly mentioned, that our Forefathers fled from.

This is the Truth of Politics and Government as it is evolving here in the United States of America.


It is important to understand this about the 2012 Election in the USA. This event was a predetermined event. No matter if you like what happened or disliked what happened, the event was something that you could not have changed.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t have your opinions or your fervor for your favorite candidate. All I am pointing out is that the process of being involved in the political process excessively can be detrimental to the positive vibrations or frequencies that control your health of your body. Just being aware of the goings on of politics is great, but being excessively opinionated about the political process can be very unhealthy. It is also an exercise in futility or an endeavor of too much wasted energy to be worked up to any frenzy concerning politics in my opinion.

Once I get into the meat of what the Philosopher’s Stone is about, you will understand this by what I write. You may not like it. You may not want to agree with any of it. I can only tell you that partaking of these supplements and partaking of the ultimate substance, the Philosopher’s Stone, gives you the perspective that I have. Everyone that partakes of the Philosopher’s Stone would be one in agreement. Those that are building up to this Higher Intelligence Frequency will at some point say, “Oh, I understand now, I get it”, “what MRM said is really true!”

So the statements below may be premature but I only posted this page out of a sequence that I had planned on this web site or in my mind because of the relevance of the time of the 2012 Presidential election event in the USA that just happened in November of 2012. Don’t get in a huff because I even mentioned politics here. Just put this information in your mind like a folder or file for future reference. It will make more sense when I finish certain pages to this web site.


I am not a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or a member of any political party. The views on politics you read here are observations only. I could care less about politics. Pundits on any side of the isle are just humorous to me and I only keep up with news to keep from being a mental dullard on the subject of the present times.

I do see some irony comparing ancient times to now in the way propaganda has been used through the ages. The same techniques do seem to repeat over and over again over the course of many thousands of years till now. This seems to be a type of controlling of the masses. This also is an indication that enlightenment was not meant for all even thousands of years ago and now.

I am only writing this page to point out some anomalies and congruence which I see now and how the Philosopher’s Stone was used to control the masses. I will explain this later in more depth as it pertains to YOU being more of an individual in your thinking. Being enlightened makes you an individualist, not a member of a group of similar thinking people. I mean, you wouldn’t have a society of Einsteins, Galileos, or Teslas. These men were one of a kind people that few understand fully. They were individualists.

As far as politics is concerned though, Governments have been a part of Society from the beginning of tribes. Our participation in the process of Government is being determined by factors that you will find shocking in future information that I will reveal.

History of these early beginnings of politics and government is an observation where you have to step back and observe ……while at the same time letting your Political biases not hinder your opinions of what you observe.

Just remember that no Government or Political ways have ever survived from Ancient times till now. All of these great Nations failed and bad management of the tax money and too much government is at the key to this demise of most of the greatest Nations in History.

In Ancient times, only a few had access to knowledge and education. Now that this site is revealing how all can have the same high enlightenment, so politics and government takes a back seat for a while. It is more important that YOU are the recipient of more knowledge that still only a few have. This is a truism that is inherent with the enlightenment. Now, I am trying to show the masses how to gain this higher enlightenment through super supplements of a certain nature as the Philosopher’s Stone gives.

One last point on the relation of Politics and Government needing the masses to be less than the intelligent people they think they need to be. This is part of controlling. I understood this the first few months that I was on a White Powder Gold regimen. The bad, in general, can use this knowing knowledge to keep the masses less intelligent. I bring to your attention an article that came out December 10th 2012, >>>> 93% of eight graders are less proficient in reading at their grade level, math is worse <<<<<<< This means that a high majority of 13 year old children can’t read properly or do math problems at a level that will let them get into college.

I once asked my high school math teacher, Harland Horatio Harris, why I needed to know trigonometry. He quickly replied, “because it makes you think!” I said, “thank you Sir!”

Harland has long passed. He doesn’t know how much that one answer to that simple truthful answer resonated in my mind throughout my entire life and now.

Even though I bring up all these truisms about Government and Politics I just want to let you know that it is much ado about nothing …….in my opinion and from my personal perspective. While I am concerned and very in touch with these situations I describe, I personally can only do what I can do. I can’t let these situations deride my drive to do what I feel should be done about the situations I observe. It is futile to wallow in the heart felt worry that can come from knowing about so much that affects my brothers and sisters negatively.  This site is that attempt to turn things around a bit.

I will bring up the politics of the Ancients but first I had to show some political truths that apply today that most did not or are not aware of. This delves into the Light and the dark side that will be covered on this web site on pages devoted to these subjects.

Don’t think I am biased by anything that I say here. I am just pointing out what I see that has been altered by or influenced by propaganda programming in recent times and this propaganda relates to the absurdity of politics in general.


First…. Some History of

 American Politics:

The country of the USA is a Republic, not a Democracy. A Democracy means that all the people have a say in what laws are made. As a Republic, we vote for representatives that write and pass the laws that we live by.

It is the quality of the minds of these people we elect that makes the difference ……or should make the difference in what types of laws are laid upon the masses to adhere to.

Democracy is a parallel to a lynching where the person that is hanged has no trial. This is mob rule that justified the act of the lynching. That is why Democracy is not what you should think of as being an idealistic form of Government for any Nation. A mob of emotional dummies could control very hard to understand concepts of Law and the intricacies of Governing many people.

The Term GOP comes from the phrase, “Grand Ole (or Old) Party” after previously being the “Gallant Old Party” with roots to Thomas Jefferson being a Republican.

In the South, this is where the roots of the Democrat party presided. The democracy of lynching poor slaves was a way to keep the masses from revolting …… among other ways.

Pro-Slavery and the promotion of the wealth of few owning property and controlling the money …..and the people by giving the leftovers to those that had less …… even the whites. (Sounds like the Feudalism that I explained earlier, doesn’t it!)


Merle Travis, composer, singer

Merle Travis & George Davis wrote this song about coal mining in Kentucky that was part of Merle Travis’s family history.


Some people say a man is made outta mud
But a poor man’s made outta muscle and blood
Muscle and blood and skin and bones
A mind that’s a-weak and a back that’s strong

You load sixteen tons, what do you get
Another day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store

I was born one mornin’ when the sun didn’t shine
I picked up my shovel and I walked to the mine
I loaded sixteen tons of number nine coal
And the straw boss said “Well, a-bless my soul”

You load sixteen tons, what do you get
Another day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store

I was born one mornin’, it was drizzlin’ rain
Fightin’ and trouble are my middle name
I was raised in the canebrake by an ol’ mama lion
Cain’t no-a high-toned woman make me walk the line

You load sixteen tons, what do you get
Another day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store

If you see me comin’, better step aside
A lotta men didn’t, a lotta men died
One fist of iron, the other of steel
If the right one don’t a-get you
Then the left one will

You load sixteen tons, what do you get
Another day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store



This song is about workers working for the Company Store credits. They didn’t make money, they earned credits to buy goods in the Company Store …….but….. no matter how hard you worked, you never made enough to get enough done, work wise, to get enough credits to get the things you need to live. Week after week, miners would go in debt to the Company Store to provide for their families.

Now after the Civil War in the South, blacks and whites worked together in the same fields to be able to buy food and supplies for their families …… but their work was never enough ……..Sound familiar with the rising taxes and inflation? That is the way cotton plantations and plantations in general worked after the Civil War.

I hope you noticed the one lyric that stands out about the mind being weak but the man was strong so the man or woman could labor. I have this line below. How true it is.

“A mind that’s a-weak and a back that’s strong”

That is the summation of the way the Ancients and the present day Government really wants things to be …….. Solely dependent on the Company Store or Government for your subsistence to survive.

This is just a basic way to control the masses with no minds but strong bodies. Now even the educated can’t find jobs in their field of expertise.

150 Black Republicans were murdered due to a riot over voting discrepancies in 1873.

An example of how the Democrat South rejected the anti-slave Republican Party is the Colfax Massacre in Louisiana. In 1873 a small cannon, dubbed the Colfax Cannon, was used to stem a riot of Republican Blacks over tampered election results or tampered voting results in that area of Colfax, Louisiana by Democrat Whites. A riot ensued and 153 people were killed on April 13th, 1873.  Three whites were killed and 150 blacks were killed.

Force was always used to quell the masses that revolted …..even in ancient times till now. Roman armies that kept the Roman Empire so strong quit being so strong when the soldiers could not be paid because of poor Government not using tax money properly.

These Roman soldiers were not just warriors, they were architects and road builders. They also had skill and knowledge at building large structures such as aqueducts and fortifications. These Roman warriors parallel today’s high tech soldiers in the Air Force and Navy.

In the USA, the war machine is winding down and those returning soldiers are finding that there is no work in the private sector. In the Marines and the Army, warriors are taught how to kill, maim, and blow up things. In the Navy and Air Force, warriors are taught the same as Marines and Army but they are also schooled in electronic skills that can propel them into private sector jobs because of their experience in these high tech fields.

Law enforcement entities are cutting back on hiring the Marines and Army types that were only taught to  kill, maim, and blow up things. Articles saying exactly this are in the news almost daily as of December 2012.

I found this web site in seconds that relates to this very problem I described about the Army and Marine warriors returning to find few jobs taught in these branches of the service. Click>>> Police One <<<for information on this situation that threatens YOU and your family for the lack of money needed to sustain law enforcement Nationally.


Anyway, back to the history of slavery and Politics to now>>>>>>

In an effort to control the spread of slavery to the west as the settlers started going west to new lands, it was apparent that a new party, a non Democrat party, needed to be formed to end this progression of slavery throughout the whole of the new USA. This is where the notion of a new party different from the ideals of wealth to few and slavery to make more money for these few wealthy individuals that owned thousands of acres per family. In fact, my family history shows that our family owned most of the Savannah river and lands on both sides of the river in the early 18oo’s.



The Anti-Slavery 

Party Is Born


In Exeter New Hampshire, there was a rumbling of discontent about the Democrat party being Pro-Slavery. This ignited a firestorm of resentment towards Democrats.

There was an uproar for a new party which would tout “Free land’, “Free People” and “Free Labor.” This notion of a new party called Republicans was first brought together at a small building in Exeter, New Hampshire. A local Lawyer by the name of Amos Tuck called a meeting at Hotel name Major Blakes in 1853.  This is the true birthplace of today’s Republican Party.

George Gilman Fogg was one of those Democrats that helped form the Republican party in the early 1850’s.

Later the first public major assembly of people came together in Ripon, Michigan on March 20, 1854 in a schoolhouse. An official delegation was held on July 6th, 1854 in Jackson, Michigan. Only four years later, the Republican Party became the dominate party of the North and the first Republican party President known as the First Anti-Slavery party President was elected…..only seven years after Amos Tuck started this new anti-slavery party and the name of this first Republican President was Abraham Lincoln.

Lincoln later appointed George Fogg to the Minister to Switzerland. Fogg was part of forming protocols in the Geneva Convention for sick and wounded soldiers in the field.


After the Civil War was fought, there was still animosity of the Republican North and the Democrat South concerning the way blacks were treated. While the Republicans championed the values that the Civil War was fought for. The South kept a type of underground animosity towards blacks because of Reconstruction.

This is when the KKK was formed and Democrats became the party of the KKK or Klu Klux Klan. It wasn’t until Democrat Robert Byrd of West, Virgina died in 2010 that the last of the KKK Democrats bit the dust.

Democrat Senator Byrd was a Grand Cyclops in the KKK and recruited over 150 members into the KKK.

At this time in 2012, the North and North East of the USA is predominately Democrat and the South is predominately Republican. This is the exact opposite of the Political makeup prior to the Civil War.

The Parties have not changed but the propaganda of what is and what is not has taken its place.

Today we have a black President named Barack Obama who is supposed to be championing the values that are the continuation of this Democrat party that was always against blacks being free.

When I step back a look at this situation of people of America being free or having more freedom. I see a Democrat party that wants increase the size of Government with the idea that this is a great thing.

This goes back to what Thomas Jefferson said about most bad Government coming from too much Government.

Whatever! This is just what I have observed. My science minded side of me just notices philosophy and tries to see some of the bad philosophy as compared to the logic of some good philosophy. I am just noticing bad philosophy in Politics right now. This is just my opinion of course because I know how Governments have made it so hard in Ancients times and it reminds me of these Ancient times right now.

Also as a businessman, I am a webmaster that has other web sites that make me money. I use advertising to bring in traffic on these sites.  (Not this site though, this site is just for fun and a sense of giving back to my fellow brothers and sisters on this Earth. We all should give in ways that helps our fellow man and this site is my way of doing that.)

As a businessman, I would not be in business very long if I spent more money on advertising if that advertising was costing more than I was making on the web site. The same parallel goes for our present Government. This present Government is financing the running of too much Government with borrowed money from China.

Also, something called QE1,  QE2, and QE3 stands for Quantitative Easing. This just means that the Federal Reserve, which is a privately own entity, prints more money. This in turn makes each American dollar worth less.

(This is reminiscent of the Germans after WW1 just printing more German Deutsche Marks to pay back war reparations for losing the war and starting it. In Germany, it cost a wheel barrow of Deutsche Marks just to buy one loaf of bread when this happened. This is just an extreme example of inflation due to the currency not being worth the paper it is printed on.  Does this sound Familiar today as of 2/20/2013????)

If I were doing this same thing as the Government of the USA was doing, I would have to file for bankruptcy. I would have to do this filing because I could not pay expenses for money that I am not making any longer. I would be immensely stupid if I did not run my business efficiently enough to make a profit or at least break even including expenses. Our Government is spending 46 cents on the dollar, for every tax dollar taken in, just to pay back interest on loans to run the Country each day. As a businessman, I am not stupid enough to do this. Americans should not be propagandized to think that this is not stupid to run this Nation, the United States of America, this way.

Logic is logic, I see no fiscal logic with any party on both sides of the isle concerning the debt the USA is accruing. I see no end to it. I see a present President that seems unconcerned about it. I see a President that has no clue as to the nature of the calamity that is coming. In business, I would be an ignorant putz not to see that my profits were not coming in to justify advertising expenditures.

I hope you see why I am a bit befuddled at present politics. It has no meaning to me at this time because my time here on Earth is about to end. I don’t think this ensuing calamity will effect me because I don’t need to work any longer if I decided to do so. This is just my business sense telling me what has logic and what does not have logic concerning present politics.

In the North, I have noticed, this area of the USA that is a Democrat dominated area of the USA, seems to have had a change of mind. This Northern area of the USA seems to be heralding a Democrat party deeply rooted in the continuation of new types of Company Store type Slavery to the Government and the general negative bias to all people of minority or poor financial statuses. The Motor City of Detroit is a perfect example if you are keeping up with the goings on in that huge city.

Like I said, the Parties have not changed, only the propaganda has changed the minds of those that do not know the history of the two parties.

For the current list of known KKK sects, click>>>> KKK  <<<< to see the known locations of these sects of the KKK. Notice that these KKK sects are in Iowa, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and other Northern States ….and even California which is a big Democrat State.

Just understand that there were “NO”  KKK sects in the years following the Civil War in the Northern States and the spread of the Democrat Party back to the Northern States may be linked to this spread of the KKK northwards.

I found it shocking that Michigan, where the anti-slave Republican party was made into a party to elect Lincoln, has a sect of the KKK there.

Just know that the Republican Party was the first anti-slavery party and never reversed that ideal. As far as fiscal responsibilities go, all political parties are to be blamed for the current mess I am observing.




Once you read the reading assignments that I have for this site, I want you to keep in mind that the whole nature of Politics is to keep YOU from seeing the real picture or keep you off track to do what you were incarnated to do in this World.

(Try to do this: Step back as an observer to see what is actually happening. Do not be swayed by words or speeches or even biases that may already have to alter what you observe. Be an open minded observer on this subject of Politics and Government. What is actually happening trumps what is being said by people we think we trust.)

This real picture of Politics being the center of your thought patterns is a distraction…….. a method or methodology to distract you from the most important part of this incarnation.

It is telling, once you read these first three books I have for you to read, to not take Politics seriously any longer. These books will give you a different outlook on life as a whole……. a monumental change of thinking will occur.

It is up to the individual YOU to help your fellow man. You are the one in control of this helping your brothers and sisters in harms way or to give enlightenment to others after finding the knowledge you seek here. You are the one in control of the love of your brothers and sisters. Small deeds can blossom into major things.

Politics is just a distraction from this ideal ideology that is what the New You is. Politics takes mind power, time, and energy away from the body and your brain. This same brain power energy and time could be applied to other more positive efforts that are more useful to you personally. What you do personally is what makes the difference ……not what you throw money at to make yourself feel like you are helping. When you help someone personally, you know you have helped.

There is a saying though, “no good deed goes unpunished!” Even though this might be true at times, the effort to help is the deed that never goes unnoticed by the Creator.

Obama took this Nation from about five Trillion in debt to almost “Seventeen Trillion” in debt in one term as President.


Politics is a Diversion

Politicians, no matter how genuine they may sound,  will never represent the energy that you can give to others by giving Politics and Politicians your hard earned money. It will never happen no matter how much you wish politics to work that way. It has never happened and never will. It has always been the individual that made the difference. That is your Journey of your Soul.

So it is not true to think that politics is more important than what you can do personally. This incarnation is put together as a stage to give you diversions to overcome. The diversions are to keep you from doing the best that you can be.

A strong and knowing YOU is supposed to emerge and overcome this diversion. In this case, the diversion is politics. Politics is just one of those diversions put into place to distract you as other diversions are created to slow you self enlightenment abilities.

I will point these other diversions out as I see the need to bring this up.  I just felt it was important to bring up this diversion scenario since the elections were so important to so many in this last election of 2012.

Our existence here is like a stage and we are actors on that stage. It is not the producers or the money backers that make the play work, it is the actors that do their job to give the greatest performance that they can as individuals that makes this play phenomenal….. great as it can be.

This reminds me of the Mel Brooks movie “The Producers!” They raised more money than they could ever pay back to the investors and tried to make a flop so they wouldn’t have to pay back the investors. Instead, the actors were so great that the play,”Springtime for Hitler”, was a hit. The producers lost in this movie.

If this were Government, the Government would say, we have a winner, now we need even more money. Doesn’t this sound familiar like the TSA? The TSA should be a private entity, not a Government entity that costs more to run because it is run by the Government.

The Postal Service is another example.  Let brown or Fedex do this job.

GM Motors is another example. The American Taxpayer subsidizes salaries of GM employees because GM Motors does not make a profit. At this present time in 2012, 75% of new GM cars are made in China. So the American Taxpayer pays Chinese salaries also.

This movie, The Producers, really does parallel what Government really does in reality.

The thought that you can vote and give money to let Government do the good things that you are capable of doing yourself is the sign of a type of propaganda that was applied to the minds of most Americans. The distraction is politics and the propaganda has worked on you and most everyone. If you seem to fight with this concept in your psyche it may mean that this propaganda has had an effect on you…. so just be aware.

Government is set up to collect more money than it needs and then fail. More Government or BIG Government is a joke on all taxpayers.

The Government is for our protections from others that would harm our Nation as our forefathers meant it to be……nothing more.

Don’t Be Part of

the Joke of Politics 

Don’t be a part of that joke on you to support an overpriced Government program that was destined to fail financially from the beginning. Laugh at those that say that you will never be a winner by doing things on your own. Be the actor or the individual that makes the play the best it can be so that others will want to emulate you to do the same.

Love of our brothers and sisters is a contagious play we are a part of here. Love is the energy that makes it so wonderful. “Love is politics” is an oxymoron. Just stick with love. Laugh at the spectacle of politics. Truth in Politics is most likely a subversion to fool you. Just laugh at politics and spread more love yourself. Others will see you and want to do it with you. The better part of you will take over and the better part of YOU will take over in others to bring out their love.

Be that love that others see.




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