The Brainwave Entrainment

The Brainwave


To change your way of thinking to become the New YOU, there is a methodology that includes “The Brainwave Entrainment” of your brain. This can be one method of speeding up your abilities to attune yourself to the higher intelligence frequency.

This Brainwave Entrainment should not be confused with programs where you are hypnotized and you are given suggestions by the person hypnotizing you to quit smoking or to be better at something you are not doing well with. Brainwave entrainment involves using frequencies and frequencies only to change a vibration or frequency that has taken over your brain or your body.

For instance: If you hang around a lot of people that have negative attitudes or do bad things, you can or tend to pick up these traits from these people by associating yourself with them. This could happen over a great time or with just one meeting. Example: If you are around a person that says “Like” an inordinate amount of times while speaking with them, the person hearing that word “Like” may start using that word where that person never used the word too much before meeting this person or talking to them a few times. Another example is when you hear a person that uses the word “Basically” or “Absolutely” all the time, you may pick up this trait without even knowing you do it. Actually, at this time, I see the use of the term “Absolutely” as the most overused word in the English language.

This is a type of non-subliminal programming that happens to many people. I call this “Conscious Programming” like a politician saying the same lie over and over again until it becomes truth in your mind. Also, this picking up of traits can come from watching TV, listening to music, listening to talk radio shows, or just being where you work and talking with co-workers. It happens to the best of us….. but it does happen.

This is also true about negativity and joyful people for example. If you are around a negative person or group of negative type of people, you might find yourself being just as negative when you are generally a positive person. I have always said it is easier to be negative than it is to be positive. If you are around some happy joyful people it seems to rub off on you too.  l like this type of programming myself. I can’t get enough of this type of programming.

This programming I am talking about works similar to subliminal programming but you are generally aware that you have picked up a bad habit of saying something, if you think about it, from a person or from a show you watch on TV etc…. .

It may be difficult to understand how this technology is affecting your brain with frequencies but it can happen naturally. Being in Church sometimes gives a person a good feeling inside for example. Your frequency has been affected by the presence of God in God House or the fellowship of like believers.

With brain entrainment, you are actively using a CD to repeat this frequency over and over again to get this vibration going throughout your body and your brain.

This is what Brain Entrainment is about. Brain Entrainment is cut and dried or technical in nature. Certain specific frequencies effect your body and giving your body the correct frequencies is an entrainment procedure to effect your brainwaves and body.

What is happening is that your body or brain hears some distracting sounds like water rushing over rocks,  or birds chirping with other animals making noises also. This tricks the brain to focus on the soothing sounds while the Isotone is making a sound at the same time that is very audible. Your brain is picking up the Isotone that is very audible and just the frequency alone immediately changes your vibration to be in sync with that frequency tone.

The key to this Isotone method is repetition of using the Isotone. A subliminal programming might only be needed once every 36 hours. An Isotone can be used over and over again during a day.

Hypothetically, these frequencies can be used to stop a plethora of ills and even heal body parts that are supposedly not able to heal from modern medicine or science. An example is that Tinnitus can be healed by using Isotones where subliminal programming can not heal this ill.

The great thing about Isotones is that they can do this programming while you drive or when you are working on your computer at work. Using a headset is optimal. The sound can be turned down to a very low volume and the program will still work.

Isotones are safe in my opinion because words are not part of the programming! The frequency of the Isotone can be programmed by the user with programs available on the internet. This is the major difference between Osotones and hypnosis CDs or tapes that use subliminal techniques.

I feel that you should be able to find some sites that give away free Isotones. that is great for experimenting with Isotones but Bill Harris of Holosync has very specific frequencies for very specific uses.

I feel that this technology can be taken advantage of and work very quickly for the average person. This is the only reason that I have incorporated it with opening your “third eye!” You are not getting any younger by the day. This activating the pineal gland is something that could have changed your life time, now, already. Why wait for this change in your life to happen? It is the time in your life to use this type of technology because it can bring solutions to your changing negative programming that you have acquired much quicker?

You are getting older every day. Once you activate your pineal gland, you will say to yourself, “I wish this had happened to me the first day I read this web site.” Or you might even start to think of why you wasted your time before now without doing this.

This is why this is such a secret about opening your Third Eye! It is such a natural event in your life and you have been deprived of this natural event because it makes you so aware of everything that you have been deprived of until you do this.

While I have used Isotone technology myself, I only used it to see if it would enhance the abilities that I already have. I found that since I am not a perfect person as no one is, it does help to stop bad habits and other issues that may have seemed trivial at the time but now I see these traits as a nuisance or an annoyance to me…… or they used to be until I found Isotones. 

Holosync has incredibly stopped my procrastination habit that I figured was just a trait from getting older. This is why you are reading this web site. I studied how to make web sites years ago and Isotones has some of the credit for making me finish my work with other web sites. Now I do not let days go by until I finish each task associated with being a webmaster. I am just more focused even though the gold that I take daily does a lot of this helping for me to continue my work also.

Believe me, making this web site is the hardest web site I have ever had to make. I am doing this for free basically and I really am doing this site out of a need to help my brothers and sisters on Earth.

I think this web site’s repeated statements that you can have a higher IQ or be smarter than coworkers and others seems like a power trip of sorts. That is why I stress constraint to not be condescending to others if you do attain this higher intelligence frequency ability and use this new ability to help others. The White Powered Gold will not make you a Saint and not belittle others with this supplement regimen but the isotone technology can help you to do just that. You have to consider changing your present programming. 

With The Brainwave Entrainment method, added to the nutritional regimen that I have spoken of, you will be fighting a two pronged attack to retrain your brain to help you in more ways than you knew you could do. Thus, the Brainwave Entrainment method is a compliment to this course of enlightenment.

If you look at the bottom of this page, you will find a banner that links you to the one and only brain entrainment courses that I approve of. Bill Harris has provided many people with life changing events that resemble the activation of the pineal gland that I have spoken of.

Of course I can not scientifically say one way or another if this is what is happening to these people but I can only think this is the case as a high probability with some people.

Since I have opened my third eye already. This is the norm for me. This has been the norm for me since I was four. To be able to remember the feeling of this happening is a distant thought but one I think I remember. Commenting here that I do remember things happening but not exactly recounting the event can only help to let you know that there will be a an awakening of some kind which you will notice. I can not confirm this will be happening for anyone reading this. It is for you to decide or experience to confirm any physical or mental feelings that you might have as a result of opening your third eye or your sixth sense.

As I have said before on this web site, this enlightenment will be different for each person.

Go to this site and sign in to get a free PDF book on Quantum Touch.

This site has a FREE  PDF file on something called “Quantum Healing” that I want you to take in. I think that I can relate this to this Brainwave Entrainment in this way. The results seen in pictures on this site are amazing. This was done with the power of the brain.

You have people of like minds doing healing by the laying of hands on a person. It takes one person alone or more than one person to accomplish this task. To me, this seems to be one of the gifts that an attunement to a very special frequency can give a person. This could be the very same frequency that I draw my gifts from. You be the judge when you try the technology and nutritional supplements that I recommend. I would read testimonies of people that have taken these supplements and used the technology to get an idea of what I am talking about.

While I know that the Gold regimen will bring you to a state where the pineal gland will activate. The Brainwave Entrainment methodology will hopefully, for you, accelerate this process for yourself and all individuals that try it. …..Especially those that have problems with bad habits which include smoking and drinking to excess etc. It is always possible to change. Using these methods I write about here is an extreme change that may help where conventional methodology to change has failed.

At the bottom of this page, I have a banner that has the only site of its kind that offers courses, complete courses, that you can use at any time you wish. Again, you can drive to work and listen in your car. You can listen as you go to sleep or nap. You can even listen as you do work on your computer.

These frequencies are nulling the effects of bad habits or negative frequencies that have attached to you that may hinder you from your enlightenment process. I would have left out this technology from this web site if I didn’t think that it would accelerate your enlightenment ideals that I have spoken of so much.

I suggest that you read the program that Bill Harris has created. Determine if this is something that could help your particular situation and proceed for a short time to see if this indeed works for you.

I can only hope that this program of Holosync can help you immensely with your goals to enlightenment. I know that the gold regimen will work very quickly but this may be the immediate or accelerated enlightenment that you seek after reading that such a frequency does exist here from this site and you can achieve this enlightened state in a shorter amount of time. This Holosync program may be the piece of the puzzle that you need to complete the whole picture of enlightenment for you personally.

I would suggest that you try the supplementation regiment first and then consider this methodology to enhance your personal abilities in many facets of your life. Read the Holosync site and determine if this is right for you or if this is something that you think you can use to your advantage to get that edge at work you are looking for. The supplements and Holosync may be the one two punch that you quickly need right now. Jobs are hard to keep. Make yourself indispensable with the methods I teach here.

If time is of the essence for you, the Gold regimen and this Holysync can compliment each other to achieve your goals more quickly in my personal opinion.

You have already been programmed in many ways without knowing it. I will explain this more on more web pages to come.

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