Super Primary Supplements

In the mid 80’s, I started to be keenly aware of the need to supplement my body with minerals. I was working with some great people in a business where I was a private contractor. A fellow contractor approached me about a supplement that was a liquid minerals supplement. This person named Melvin said that he had been taking this liquid minerals supplement and it seemed to be giving him a lot of energy.

Melvin was about twenty years older than me. I listened to his spiel about a 32 oz bottle of something called “Seasilver.” Melvin said he had been taking it for a while and he and his wife swore by it. He said it made them feel young again. And…..Melvin was a pretty energetic guy for his age. I was in my late 20’s and he was in his early 50’s. I bought his spiel and I bought one bottle of this Seasilver that he had an extra bottle of.

Over the course of the next seven years, I continued to buy one or two bottles of this Seasilver from Melvin periodically. We got to know each other more closely because of how we talked about how much better we were feeling and how over the years this good feeling had only gotten stronger.

My wife was taking it along with me even though we both always said to each other, “this stuff really smells bad and tastes worse but it sure does make you feel good!”. This liquid tasted like Creomulsion cough medicine. The only reason we kept taking it was because it did make us feel wonderful.

In the early 90’s, the FDA came down hard on SeaSilver because of the claims they made. The wife and I agreed with the hype but the FDA said there wasn’t enough scientific proof that the supplement did what they say it did.

Seasilver changed its name but it became harder and harder to get. It was about this time that I had bought my first computer, an Apple Performa, and I was online for the first time in early 1993. That machine with 64 MB of RAM was a smoking computer at that time. Dialup connection of about 1440 baud.

It was then that I started my education on this Seasilver, (along with other important things), and started my education experience with minerals, herbal supplements, and vitamins that I had never heard of before. All I knew before this was vitamin A, B, C, & D. I thought that was it.

In 1994, I became a member of a MLM company called “NewWAys.” NewWays was the first company that I knew of devoted to selling non-toxic personal care products. They touted that they would never go away. But, in about 2005, they folded.

This relation to this company was a learning experience that gives me the basis for much that I know about personal health. The only reason that NewWays folded was because of high product price in a market that had similar products for a much cheaper price.

I have brought up this synopsis of my experience with Seasilver and NewWays to give you an idea of my experience in the field of Nutrition and of the toxins that we take in and never know about. This site is all about knowing what you should know…..but don’t. And, this subject of nutrition is one of those areas where most people think they know about nutrition, but really don’t know as much as they should.

My experience with taking known and unknown, to most, supplements personally and learning from the experience. I am a personal experiment with these products that I am going to tell you about. I am a partaker of these little known and known products that can change your life and take enlightenment into overdrive.

This page, “Super Primary Supplements”, is intended to educate the masses about available supplements that are a “must to take” for every person. Why? Because the intake of these supplements, and knowing why they are super important for avoiding cancer, diabetes, and many other ailments is a standard that all people should follow.

You are just fortunate enough to get some information to read that is simple to understand without trying to catch every show that Dr. Oz puts out on a daily basis.

I will be able to tell you how to lose weight without working out like a dog on a treadmill. …..although treadmills do help burn fat quicker. I can tell you how to eliminate fat very slowly and losing weight slowly is a more healthy way for your body to attune to this new you as far as weight loss goes.

I will also be able to tell you very simply the basic supplement that you need to take to avoid serious illnesses. Thus, your trips to your doctor will only be for confirmation that you are perfectly healthy.

This primary supplement regimen that I will describe is different from the “Super Supplements of the Ancients” web page. I have to stress this point because I am assuming that most people that read this site will go directly to the Super Supplements of the Ancients and not worry about any other supplements that are crucial for overall health in conjunction with the Ancient Super Supplements.

Primary Supplement list

  1. Vitamin D 3
  2. Coral Calcium
  3. Salmon Oil
  4. Cordyceps
  5. Full Spectrum Natural Colloidal Mineral Solution

Primary Supplement Explanations

Of  course this list has some supplements that you can get at your local grocery store or local vitamin shoppe. I have found that the prices can be high and the brand quality is what it is, the cheapest that the store can sell for the highest profit. I have just gotten to the point where I covet certain brands because I have had such success with these trusted brands. I want you to be able to start with this primary basic regimen first as cheaply as possible if your financial means  does not allow you to just order supplements I suggest.

Take the colloidal mineral solution for example; It is hard to impossible to acquire this supplement, a very vital supplement, in most vitamins shops. Of course this would not be in a grocery store. At one time Walmart had a great colloidal mineral solution and I got mine there but that was in the 90’s.

As you see from this short list, I have excluded Vitamin C. Just drink some orange juice to get your vitamin C or consume fruits which are high in vitamin C.

Vitamin A is found in apple juice. There is no vitamin C in apple juice. Apple juice is basically why children get fat because there in no nutritional value to apple juice other than vitamin A which is a vitamin that you can get from most any fruit or vegetable.  Avoid apple juice for children if you want your children to not be fat from high sugar intake. Serving Apple juice, in my opinion, is like giving your children sugar flavored drinks or sodas instead of water. Sugar is sugar and apple just is loaded with fruit sugar.

If you see the word “cocktail” on a juice bottle, just know this means that sugar or corn syrup has been added to the juice.

Vitamin B – This vitamin is a very special vitamin that can be gotten from proper nutrition but most people do not eat properly. It is not your fault because the food stuffs that you eat are devoid of the nutrition that you think the food actually has. Buy a vitamin B-Complex for your supplementation but know that B-12 absorbency is not possible to most people because it is destroyed in the digestive tract by enzymes and digestive acids. If you want to get some kind of boost from B-12, the injection route is the only way to go.

You can purchase the B-12 solution at a fraction of the cost than what your doctor would charge you for the visit and the shot. You can find B-12 injection solution online from many distributors.

Just tell you doctor that you have gotten B-12 online and ask for a prescription for injection needles so that you can give yourself a shot like a person with diabetes does on a daily basis.

I do take a B-Complex vitamin periodically but not on a daily basis.

Vitamin D 3  

Vitamin D is the “Sunshine” vitamin.  We are supposed to get this one vitamin from our exposure to the Sun. I am stressing this vitamin D-3 supplement because this is one of the most important vitamins we should take but most people are not aware of just how important it is.

In this day and times when people work indoors in a cubical or an office, we don’t get the sunshine vitamin as we should.

Vitamin D is not really a vitamin, vitamin D is a hormone. To explain the relation of vitamin D3 use and its help with cancer, diabetes, and other ailments, look at this video.

Today, the dose for D-3 has risen because most people spend more time indoors than times in their earlier life. We also use sunscreens. This means that even when we are out in the sun, the sun is blocked by this screening that we are doing with sunscreen products.

Doses for D-3 used to be 200 IU’s. That recommendation doubled very quickly. Now there is a trend that doctors monitoring vitamin D in the blood are suggesting 10,000 to 20,000 IU’s plus daily now. I take 5,000 IU’s daily. I have seen a video where Dr. Oz states that you can not take too much D 3. I feel that in the beginning you can overdo it a bit and then lessen your regimen after a few months. I was taking 10,000 IUs in the beginning with no ill effects but cut back to 5,000 IUs now.

There is a time period for your body to reach a saturation point with D 3 and most other supplements. This duration for saturation before this supplement starts to work optimally is around six months. Of course you will be getting benefit immediately but your body is absorbing this vitamin because of the lack of it at first.

If you want to feel good naturally, start your D3 regimen today. I have a special ad from Amazon that shows nothing but D3 supplements at incredible prices plus Free Shipping.

Read the reviews on D3 as you do your search for your supplement of your choice. Notice the high praise of how this supplement has change lives for the better. I could not do justice with my words to explain what these users of this D3 product can tell you. You will be shocked and thrilled that you now understand the importance of using D3.

Read on because you will want to add another simple supplement to your supplement regimen base in your body after reading about the next Supplement I recommend.

 Coral Calcium

Coral Calcium is the best Calcium product available. Why? Because not only is the absorption rate between 80% & 100%, Coral Calcium contains natural magnesium and trace minerals…..over 72 trace minerals.

Not only does Coral Calcium naturally have trace minerals and natural magnesium, Coral Calcium has the full spectrum of vitamin B supplements in a natural form. This is one reason I do not take vitamin B complex as I used to. If I ever ran out of vitamin B complex, I doubt seriously if I would ever buy vitamin B again.

Coral Calcium comes in four forms: Caplets or gel caps, tablets, loose powder, and liquid. I have made an ad that has some of the best of the best suppliers that Amazon carries. There are many. It is up to decide the correct supplier for your needs. The prices range from about $6.19 per bottle to about $55 for three bottle packs that have more caplets per bottle.

The loose powder can be added to orange juice or milk in the mornings to enhance the bio-availability of the product to the body. This is what liquid Coral Calcium does alone.

Now, one last major point about Coral Calcium or CC. CC neutralizes your body’s PH level to a more “Basic” level of slightly alkaline. Most of the foods that we eat product an acidic nature to our body PH levels. An acidic level promotes Cancer, diabetes, joint inflammation, arthritis, and pains in the back and legs…..among just some of the ailments that an acidic PH level activates. It is vital for the body to maintain a basic state of PH levels. CC does this. I can’t express enough importance about this one feature that CC adds to the overall health of your body.

I am not going to add any comments to these CC supplements because there are so many. You are smart enough to figure out the product count and the “mg” of each tablet to get the best deal for your money.

I urge you to read the reviews of all of these Coral Calcium products that you consider to purchase to know from others what they personally think about each brand that I have chosen. I have read the reviews on each and those reviews and price are the criteria for me to add these products to the ad that only has Coral Calcium products.

Coral Calcium is the best natural Calcium product in the World. The benefits are many. The reviews are a testament to the way this supplement has changed lives of young and old. It is immensely important to get on this regimen as quickly as possible. Look to your right to see the many brands in the one ad section that I have chosen for starting your regimen.

Salmon Oil

It is important to get your Omega 3 and DHA. Salmon Oil supplies the body with these two essential element that your body needs……. Salmon Oil does not have that fish burp problems that plain Fish Oil products have.

Salmon Oil is natural with other nutrients that give the skin oils to reduce wrinkles as we age. Salmon Oil also lubricates our joints as we age too.
This is not a supplement for the aged. This is a supplement for all ages. Your hair and nails will be stronger plus one other special ……very special attribute that Omega 3 give you.

Omega 3 is more easily absorbed by the body by this natural form of  Omega 3 being in Salmon Oil. Omega 3 give you natural energy and effects your demeanor in a positive way. I call fish oils the “I am less cranky oil!” The good mood that you get alone is worth taking this one supplement. AND……Salmon Oil is the best of all oils to take. Krill oil is supposed to be so great but Krill oil is so expensive. Just get a great Salmon oil for under $10.00 and you have gotten a great deal. My first two recommendations are under $10 and they are a fantastic way to get Salmon Oil that doesn’t give you that yukky fish burp.


Believe it or not, I have chosen the best supplement for last as a primary supplement to add to your Ancient Super Supplement regimen. This supplement is an ancient super supplement but I felt that this supplement took away from the Philosopher Stone focus on the page of “Super Supplements of the Ancients.” That is why I decided to add this one super ancient supplement on this page.

This supplement is called Cordyceps. 

In about 1995, I was with a company called NewWays. NewWays had the sole distribution rights from China to distribute this supplement for the first two years it was offered in the USA.

After trying it, I went on a tear of working out. It just felt like the natural thing to do once you started taking this product. I was more alert. I had endless energy. I was in my late twenties but I felt like a teenager again.

This one supplement comes from the high altitudes of Tibet. It is referred to as the Caterpillar Mushroom. One mushroom grows from each dead caterpillar.

There was a lost knowledge of this mushroom supplement for a great time. At some time in the late 80’s, it was observed that two male muskox were doing some head butting to gain the right to mate with a female. It was later found that these two muskox were in their late forties of age. Usually the lifespan of a muskox is about 25 years of age.

After studying these animals more closely, it was observed that they grazed on these cordycep mushrooms. Then it was later determined that it was this specific mushroom that added to the longevity and virile nature of these muskox.

After further study, it was found that Emperors of China drank a tincture of these mushrooms. This is one of those cases where only the Elite had access to these types of supplements. And, for some great time, this knowledge of this supplement was lost.

As with any mushroom, these mushrooms are now cultivated in rice and soybean mediums for commercial cultivation for a rising need of this little known mushroom supplement.

Like I said, I was one of the first humans in the USA to partake of this supplement in the mid 90’s. I continued my supplementation off and on since that time.

I now take one specific brand primarily and take one more of two different types in the evenings. I take two New Chapter caps when I wake up and I take either a Jarrow brand tablet or a “NOW” brand cap for the evening.

My wife has seen some great results by taking on a cordycep regimen. She was complaining for a great while that I take too many supplements. She has finally tried cordyceps to find that she now agrees that this is a super supplement and complains to me now about why I didn’t badger her enough to take it before. I told her that I had mentioned it many times but she was just not listening to me to know how much this supplement meant to me.

The benefits of Cordyceps are many. I suggest that you take at least 1000 mgs to 2000 mgs daily. I take 1000 mgs in the morning and take another 500 mg or 750 mg cap or tablet in the evening. It takes about six weeks or less to really get this supplement working in your body.

This supplement increases core circulation and extremity circulation. It also firms muscles without working out. ……but you feel like working out once you take the supplement.  You also do not have to take anti-oxidants by taking this supplement. This supplement cleanses the liver and kidneys

There is also increased circulation in the lungs. This might help smokers. I don’t smoke so I don’t know about that. This supplement is also known to increase circulation in the brain by getting past the blood brain barrier.

By increasing the circulation of blood throughout the body, inflammation in the joints and extremities like osteoporosis and arthritis seem to start a healing process or lessen in pain.

Another attribute of this supplement is that the increased blood flow helps to get blood flowing in your love handle area. belly, thighs, upper arms and ankles. This increased circulation aids in the removal of stored fats in these hard to lose weight areas of the body. Cordyceps aids in weight reduction incrementally. Sometimes the weight loss is quite significant very quickly. To me, Cordyceps seems to help curb my appetite. I just have too much energy to do things to think about eating or snacking. As far as eating goes I have more of a craving to drink milk. I consider this a great thing to adjust my PH levels with more calcium.

This one supplement is the supplier or carrier of the nutritional supplements to all parts of the body that I have suggested on this page. I hope that you can now see the super importance of this one supplement.

This is why I have saved this super supplement for last. It is immensely important to increase blood flow in the body for these super ancient supplements to act on your body in an optimal way. This goes for all the primary super supplements that I have suggested here also.

Colloidal Mineral Solutions

This subject of Colloidal Mineral Solutions Cordyceps are Primary and Super Ancient Supplements.

I have listed this subject last because this brings this page to an end. I have gone into great detail about this supplement on the page “Super Supplements of the Ancients.”

I mentioned this supplement here for one reason. If you are not going to try the major super supplements that I have listed on the Ancient Super Supplement page, I at least want you to consider this supplement as a precursor to these Super Ancient Supplements.

I realize cost is the reason that most will not be able to partake in this full regimen that my wife and I are on. I do not want to insult anyone by trying to suggest that any person go beyond their means to be on a Super Supplement regimen as the wife and I are on. It can get expensive on a monthly basis. I spend about $70 a month for the wife and I do get these supplements that we take daily.
We also take digestive enzymes with each meal to metabolize our food. People lose that ability as they age. I have not even mentioned this supplement but this is the only supplement that we do take that I have not mentioned. Taking these supplements has done wonders for us. My wife’s hair is still long and brown with no gray and she will be 59 this December. People ask us all the time about what we take to look so young. They think we are in our early forties but we are twenty years older.

Once you get started, you can buy certain items on certain months and not buy others because you already have a supply that will last until you can buy some supplements one month and buy other supplements another month.

I felt it was important to suggest highly basic health supplements first. I want you to be healthy for a small amount of money. Then you can start to add these super supplements to your regimen. These 5 supplements will not break the bank to start them one month and start the others in the next month or a few months later.

This Colloidal Mineral Solution can be bought for about $12.00. This is an excellent primer for the Super Supplements and you get the minerals you need. This type of supplement is a must have because everyone loses minerals daily and replenishing your body with the correct types of minerals is the key to having fewer visits to the doctor. That alone can give you the funds for this regimen that I am giving you.

I now ask that you go to the “Super Supplements of the Ancients” web page on this site to learn about this colloidal mineral solution that I have mentioned here.

Enlightenment about how to maintain this organic body we have is super important and these 5 supplements that suggested are crucial for your overall health for the young and old.




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