

& Secrets

That Should Be

Common Place


“Life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent. We would not dare conceive the things which are mere commonplaces of existence.”

                                        Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


(NOTE: This site is a progression of web pages that will be added as quickly as this army of one….. me…. can put them up for the World to see. It may take years for me to write the text for this site and to add links and resources for you to research on this data contained within this web site.  “We are always young when we continue to learn.”)

In my life, I have learned that people immediately reject what they do not understand  …or…  reject what they see as a departure from their present norm of thinking of what reality is, what life should be….  or …. reject conflicts with teachings  that a person has been taught to believe by learned teachers that a person does respect. This truth, this information that a person has acquired in the education system, to this point in their lives, is only what has been approved as the norm for the student to know.

These concepts of truth are taught from a succession of teachers that teach the accepted norm, the politically correct version of the truth of the History if life. It is my endeavor to throw a monkey wrench into the machinery of teaching on this web site. This huge monkey wrench is going to be thrown into the concepts of accepted History, Physics, Chemistry, General Science, Dimensional/Invisible Energy or accepted norm knowledge in general.

Most everyone has been taught by this succession of teachers that are only hired because they pledge to teach this type of truth because if they didn’t, they wouldn’t have a job as a teacher in a curriculum. So the succession of politically accepted truth is perpetuated through this type of teacher hiring.

Schools have a curriculum agenda that the student is expected to adhere to….. that is …. if the student wants a passing grade, they learn the agenda taught to them. This could be a Government guideline in most cases. But who, whom, or which people within the Government decided these norm guidelines?

Maybe there is a “Master Agenda” Worldwide in place. Who knows? Maybe this is the case Worldwide. I can only observe in hindsight.

Of course this Master Agenda scenario is only grandiose speculation on my part to say this but this is the way the system works when it comes to historical facts, general facts,  science, and physics in general no matter which Country you are raised in. But… stepping back and understanding new data verses accepted data that we are taught, you start to see this pattern that might seem to be an agenda as I have suggested.

While I have respect for our learning institutions in general, I think the main purpose of our curriculum is to make us think. In my case, I tend to think a bit too much to the point where I see faults within the system. I started to think on my own in my single digit years which conflicted with what I was taught. I tended to see too many contradictions with the accepted knowledge that was being taught to me early in life.

I don’t think the current curriculum in the USA, as I was raised, is as precise or as far reaching as it should be. Data revealed on this site reveals facts that should have been replaced by outdated data long ago.

Early in life I struggled to write answers to tests that were expected of me verses the truth of other facts that I was aware of that contradicted the answers I gave. Who invented the radio was one of those answers I got wrong because I knew better. I knew exactly who invented the radio. I could not stand to be made to answer incorrectly.

Even when I showed the teacher that the answer was wrong, I was met with contention. I was told that Marconi was the correct answer anyway even though it was obvious to me that Marconi didn’t invent the radio….. I changed that day. I bit my tongue and wrote in Marconi on the test with the memory of that moment like it was a turning point in my life.

Einstein and Tesla changed accepted science as we knew it before these great minds came on the scene as Newton and Galileo did before them. Yet to date, the work of these two great minds tends to be a basic version of who they were and not about some of their greatest work.

You would think that the ideas and technology of these two men are being held back like the Church put Galileo on house arrest for not succumbing to the Church’s stance that the World is no longer known as flat as it was once thought, the Earth was the center of the Universe, and the Sun revolved around the Earth……. just because the Catholic Church or the Pope said it was so.

Galileo’s plight is a prime example of where the “Powers That Be”, in this case the Catholic Church, would not allow proven science by Galileo to supersede what the Church wanted the public to know. For the Church to admit this grand entity was wrong would make the Church look less knowledgeable as once thought. The Church was the Law in these days, not just the Spiritual center of guidance to Christians.

If the Law or the Catholic Church were to abruptly change a long standing stance that the Earth was not the center of the Universe etc etc… there would be others like myself that would question more about what the Church allows as truth. The Catholic Church had to threaten to kill one of the greatest minds in history to keep the lies of the Church from being disrupted.

By the way, if the Catholic Church had decided to have Galileo executed, it would have been legal “MURDER” of the times by the Church. I am sure Murders were carried out in the name of the Catholic Church often. A murder is a murder is a murder……. PERIOD!

This is politics and political correctness at its finest. …. or….. Death to those that choose to question supreme authority. Galileo’s fame in his time is the only thing that saved this great man from a sure death from the Christian Church. This same parallel may exist today form other “Powers that Be”. In my mind it does.

Maybe it is the military holding back some of this data to keep students in the dark. Again, I can only speculate but evidence is what it is and I will reveal some science facts that will make you wonder the same thing about suppression of knowledge to students and people in general.

A Hypothetical Analogy

Just for a moment, imagine that you could go back in time to the 1870’s. You would arrive knowing the times you just came from. Now try to visualize the reactions on the faces of people when you told them of the device that would let a person talk to another person many miles away, the telephone. Not only would they look at you like you were a nut, they might try to put you away in some loony ward at some hospital. They would throw you in a cage and never have a reason think that you were not a threatful mentally damaged person in some way.

Yet, by the end of 1880 in Boston, there were about 5,000 phones in use every day. May God have mercy on your soul if you told people about the television, cell phones, video games, computers, or WiFi. They might hang you because you might seem like the devil, a witch, or some person dangerous to the public.

Our curriculum in schools is much like this back in time scenario with Galileo and the telephone that I just mentioned. There seems to still be a lagging behind of data replacing old data and the “powers that be” are stuck somewhere in the past thinking that this new data is like bad voodoo or something even more odd than it truly is.

A great deal of the data that I will reveal here will only be a revealing of what has happened in the ancient past till now that contradicts what is taught.  This type of revealing of the ancients will draw the same type of ere from people now that would react the same way people in the 1870’s would react about hearing talk about the “Telephone” device that would start to be common place starting only ten years later.

Be aware of this attribute of human thinking and the teaching curriculum you are currently associated with or have graduated from as you take in this site. Just know that some amazing technology and ways of the ancient people are not as they are touted to be in the field of archaeology and teachings of ancient history.

To me, and as Michael Cremo calls it, “Forbidden Archaeology” infers that with corroborating data, our past and our ancient history does not have the correct historical chronology of evolution of the progress of man that is taught in schools today.

Important data is being withheld with some obvious intention it seems. I feel that you should be made aware of these incorrect historical facts and then this intentional suppression of truth starts to emerge to you personally. Then and only then will this truth of data suppression become very obvious and become a curious endeavor for your continued learning process in your life.

My politically incorrect self will try to make you a student of sorts to this new field of what we should know but are not allowed to know and what we should know but don’t.

Freud Was a Cocaine Junkie Genius

Another more recent example of the lack of knowledge on facts taught in school where political correctness has been applied: ….. Even though Freud was one of the greatest teachers in his field for understanding how the mind/brain works and one of the greatest minds in psychology/psychoanalysis, Freud was still a cocaine junkie. Freud died from either putting raw cocaine in his cheek and/or tobacco/cigars in his mouth to the point where his jaw deteriorated to die a miserable death.

Luckily, Morphine was easily obtainable in Freud’s time so it is my assumption that pain may not have been an issue for Freud’s declining years on this Earth.

I knew of Freud’s cocaine addiction before I took my first classes of psychology in College. I brought up this cocaine issue to my Professor as he seemed to be ending his talk on Freud in my first 101 Psychology class in college. It was only then that the Professor admitted that he was aware of Freud’s heavy cocaine usage.

It wasn’t in the agenda to mention this fact about Freud’s cocaine usage and the whole class was aghast that it wasn’t mentioned or wasn’t going to be mentioned until I brought the subject up. Fellow classmates thanked me for bringing it up on the side. It is important information to be aware of.

In my second year of psychology classes,  I had a professor that mentioned Freud’s cocaine usage but told the class that he had stopped using cocaine early in his career as he started his family. ……Yea right! I believed that then about as much as I believed in the Y2K non-event and the recent 2012 Mayan Apocalypse hype.

In the early 2000’s, I started a Forum on Yahoo about a particular subject. One of the members was a Greek woman. She was enjoying the talks we had on the forum that dealt with a book that the forum group was commenting on.

As information was exchanged between forum members, I brought up my skepticism on the fact that Freud quit his cocaine use. I explained my dismay at why teachers tried to hide the fact that Freud was a heavy cocaine junkie when it is almost impossible to kick that kind of habit. I mentioned how my professors tried to purvey to their students that Freud had indeed kicked this cocaine addiction early in his career years when he started a family.

This Greek woman I mentioned took a class under Freud’s Daughter, Anna Freud, in her college studies. She confirmed to the forum that Freud, Anna’s father, indeed did not quit using cocaine…..ever! Freud was a cocaine junkie until his death.

While Anna Freud my not have explained this attribute about her father to the World in a book or publicly in any writings, I was fortunate enough to confirm my suspicions on this point about Freud, by chance, from this student of Anna Freud.

I think it is common knowledge that few junkies ever quit, even intellectual geniuses like Freud are no different from any other cocaine junkie…… especially when cocaine could be obtained easily and was not unlawful to obtain in Freud’s time. Cocaine was even in the original formula of Coca Cola or the Coke soft drink that we all know today. Coke is a synonym of cocaine.

While this may seem trivial, and it is really, it is a glimpse into the accepted norm of teaching verses the reality of the history that must be understood to understand the people and history we learn about.

A young person is like a vacuum for knowledge that is taught to them. They can only learn what is taught to them correctly.  It is only when a person is out of school or in their mid twenties that a person generally starts to think on their own.

Through your schooling, you are taught what to think to make the grade to graduate. Your free thinking skills may only come after you have left college to pursue your field of study with some job or to create a business etc…

It is only my opinion that this is a general truth about one thinking for themselves at a certain age. This is only a generality that I have observed from friends and others that I have known. I can’t tell you how many times I have had conversations with friends and others that changed their minds about politics and knowledge in general that was taught to them through the educational system they paid so dearly for.

It is also my opinion that the age of the soul can make a difference as to when a person starts to think on their own verses a new soul incarnating into this World on Earth. Another way to state this is that an older incarnating soul may quickly start to think on their own and start to learn more quickly than others verses other younger souls incarnating.

Example:  I presently have a nephew that is only five years old. He is studying five different languages and reading and quoting from the Bible that he reads daily.

Just know this, it is very hard to come to the realization that what people  have been taught may not be the exact truth, the whole truth, or an intentionally contrived accepted norm that is required to be taught as the curriculum norm to yourself or to your children.

Coming out of High School or College, you probably think you are ready to tackle the World with the concise most up to date new knowledge available to man. I am sure that you think of yourself as being on top of things once you have paid over a hundred thousand dollars plus for your college education. I respect that. Just know now that this education has been lacking in some important …..NO….. very important ways.

Just be aware that there comes a time in your life where you have to realize that accepted norms of teaching is not so optimal. If you want to know more than what there is to know to make the grade to graduate, you have come to the right place via this web site. I want you to turn on your best sense of logic. This means that you have to weight what you have been taught with what you will learn here and elsewhere after I give you resources to search out new knowledge on your own.

I will give you books to read as the most important source for information that no web based data can give. I will give you unique web sites to take in and I will give you tips on the information within these web sites that is more pertinent to my points that I will make about knowledge suppression. Any other new points or new information that these web sites give you will just be an added bonus to something that you had never considered before.

Fortunately, there are many web based videos to take in that can give more information to you more quickly than reading alone. Videos give you that visual verification that most books and web sites can not include. In this case, a video is worth a thousand words, not just a mere picture alone being worth a thousand words. I can only say that it is a great time to learn the truth about our unknown past. The internet is a great vehicle to learn about our ancient past.

I will do my best to incite a fervor in you to learn more to help you to choose what course or path that is of more of an interest to you personally. These new information suggestions will give you many new concept paths to titillate your abilities to reason out differently what you have previously learned as your personal accepted logic. Information here will change your logic that you have already taken in as the last say on any particular subject point I may bring up. Now there will be a new beginning of learning for you where new logic trumps the old logic you once had.

Be forewarned! New concepts that are learned here may set off a conflict of logic within one’s self, one’s mind. This may only happen when common sense of new logic will seem to trump accepted norms of learning that you have already accepted as fact.

I am only emphasizing this above paragraph point to let you know that the brain is a very fragile organ. It is imperative that you start a Gold and Platinum regimen as you take in this information. These safe and natural colloidal gold and colloidal platinum elements will help you to take in more new logic and data.

The consumption of these safe precious metal nutrients will lessen the conflicts within yourself/your brain as you learn. These supplements will lessen the detrimental effects of confusion with this fragile brain that we all have as you learn. In fact, these supplements will cause you to thrive for more learning and give you the ability to do so.

WHY is this so about Gold and Platinum supplementation? Gold works on the brain specifically or Gold and Platinum localizes to the brain to enhance learning and cognitive abilities/senses that you already have. Platinum does similar things as Gold but helps to link the left and right sides of the brain to be a more harmonious functioning organ.

Partaking of these supplements will quickly make you aware of what I say. The proof is in the pudding so to speak. You learn more quickly and intensely by consuming these safe precious colloidal mineral elements in this case. I suggest you read the testimonies of people that consume these supplements to confirm what I say.

As for learning, isn’t this what real learning is about….. optimizing your ability to learn? Shouldn’t learning always be a continual search for data that will give you a better picture of truth in your mind? Now you and anyone you know will be able to do this as the select few ancients did. You have found the ultimate site which tells you how to optimize you cognitive abilities in a very short time.

This optimizing of your cognitive abilities is one of the most important steps you can take in your life to excel in any endeavor you are currently doing. Just adding a few supplements to your daily diet will open up a new World to you psyche. You will never know how much smarter you can be until you consume these Gold and Platinum elements that I am suggesting you try for at least three months. The choice of being more intelligent in your endeavors is your choice to make. I can only urge you to do so.

Your Soul Knows Already

One of the most important points you will learn here is that your soul already knows the truth on every subject that you will consider as new to your brain. It is the human brain that has to catch up with what the soul already knows to be truth.

With Gold and Platinum supplements, you will turn on your logic switch and start to view information with a different set of eyes that may connect with your soul’s library of truth on any subject. Let reasoned logic that connects with your soul energy set the standard for learning new facts or data on your road to new enlightenment here.

These Gold and Platinum supplements I suggest you to consume, in my opinion, help to link to the soul with the brain. While I can not scientifically prove this, I feel that this is exactly what is happening when you consume these two supplements. This harmony in the brain that I mentioned includes the linking to the soul to the brain when you consume these supplements.

(Note: I have always felt a tingling feeling once I feel that I have connected with my soul and the gifts that I get from the soul that is always connected to our celestial home ….. our real home. This information comes in an instant but the information that comes is massive. These supplements help to sort out this massive amount of information that you might receive so quickly. >>>>>

I have always taken this feeling where I get goose bumps as a connection with another soul or connection with a spirit or my spirit guides that is letting me know that I have connected correctly with my thinking on certain subjects. Just be aware of this feeling that I have described that might apply to you some day in the future. This  is very difficult subject to describe to anyone else. It has to be experienced to be understood fully.)


WarningIt is up to you as to whether you use this new increased cognitive ability through precious metal supplementation to help yourself and others or to be a narcissist schmuck just to create more power for yourself. It is also up to you to use this new ability to do good or evil. This is your choice.

These new cognitive abilities are very powerful. I only give this warning to you because it is very easy to get these powerful abilities from this supplementation regimen I suggest on this web site. It is not my intention here to give a person power to abuse other people. This was my only hesitation for starting this web site in the first place. We have enough big headed power hungry people in this World as it is. I just want to level the playing field for everyone. Hopefully more love in people will emerge instead of power hungry morons.

I have always felt that Gold and Platinum regimens create a more loving person connected to the One Creator or God. By doing this, more love in a person comes out. But sadly,  my research and my personal experiences with these regimens has proven that this type of regimen can create a power hungry person that can control people with this power. I realized this truth immediately when I was able to change a person from saying no to saying yes by just using my mind. This may seem fantastical but these supplements, White Powdered Gold in particular, can give a person this ability early on into a WPG regimen. So be aware, this warning I am giving is backed up with history of the use of this type of regimen by the ancients and with my personal experience.


I also realize that people are very hard to change with their thinking. This is especially true with people past their early 20’s and older it seems. So be aware of this truism as it might apply to you or most people out of their teens. These Gold and Platinum supplements will awaken your senses to the possibility that you can change your thinking. This may be your soul talking to you to change your thinking.

This site gives you the tools to get that chance to see what teachers are not taught or allowed to teach with new enhanced cognitive abilities. This web site is not about the politically correct accepted norm. This site is the opposite of that norm that you have consumed in your mind as what is the truth. Just be aware and be open minded. That is all I ask.

You know, early in life, we are the recipients of a methodical programming from our parents. As parents we teach our children to learn their studies from school, teach right from wrong, we teach Religious views that are a part of the family, and how to avoid dangers of life. Then, as parents, we reluctantly have to let go and let our children fend for themselves. We have to let our children start to determine what they believe or disbelieve on their own. This is just a natural process of raising our children as parents. We just hope we did a good enough job to make our children as wise as they can be at an early age.

Here at, I have data/information that was left out of our upbringing even from a family standpoint. This lack of data/information/knowledge is a perpetuation from generation to generation that started from the beginning of all humans on Earth. Just know that our “parents” and our schools are our learning sources that I see as lacking in some profound ways.

It is my effort to fill in those gaps of missing knowledge that was lost or forgotten that is very important to every person to know NOW and not later in life. With this new knowledge that was left out in our upbringing, you can stop this perpetuation of a lack of important knowledge that your parents were not aware of, but YOU can have this knowledge and use it NOW. Just use this new knowledge and teach your children well. Start a new trend in your own family now.

Why Should There

Be A Mystery

About The Subject

of the “Soul”!!????


An understanding heart is everything in a Teacher, and can not be esteemed highly enough. One looks back with the appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those that touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much raw necessary material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant, and for the Soul of the Child.

Carl Gustav Jung

It shouldn’t be a mystery about what we are as humans. This issue of exactly what the soul is should be known by parents …. and ….. this information should be given to our children as soon as we can give them this knowledge.  To let our children decide if they believe that there is a God or One Creator is a personal choice of course. But this issue of the soul confirms that there is a Creator in my mind. This site gives a basis for understanding that there is indeed a soul.

I personally think that not telling our children we have a soul leads to a situation where a teenager starts to wonder about these things. Then if the parent has not mentioned the issue as something that is important, the child must assume or may assume that there is no soul or that the soul is not a big deal as far a defining who we are.

Parents should not leave this issue of the soul out of the teaching of children at a single digit age of learning. The sooner the better no matter which Religion your family is associated with. It should not be up to the child to figure out that there is a soul at all.

This is a duty of a parent to pass on this knowledge of the Soul. As Carl Jung said, “warmth about the knowledge of the soul should come from our teachers. What better teacher could there be on the subject of the Soul than the loving warmth of the Mother or the Father?”

This information should be a must to teach our children as they grow up especially with the internet available to our children in today’s World. Who knows what type of information or path this type of information query could end up being on an internet query!

An internet query of this kind would be a feast for darksiders to exploit.  The darkness would thrive on such a query on today’s internet. This type of knowledge should not be overlooked when we teach our children because it is a subject that involves teaching a subject that is a treasured moment of love coming from the parent to the child. Love should not be learned from the internet. Love should be learned from the parents.

It is my opinion that teaching a child about the soul is one of the most important teachings that gives a base linking a parents love to a child. This is issue of teaching about the soul is the most important teaching event that a parent should teach a child early in life…… in my humble opinion.

I am fully aware that this teaching about the soul may be a controversy with parents but I knew about the soul early in life without my parents ever telling me a thing about the soul. I was fortunate for this knowledge of knowing about the soul from experiences that I had that others may never experience in their lifetime. I am raising this point about the soul to point out my opinion on why the knowledge about the soul is so important for a child to understand from the parents and not books or other media sources. It is a loving thing to teach your children but you must first understand it for yourself.

Don’t be mad at your parents for not teaching you this important…… very important issue of the “Soul” if this has indeed happened to you, but be aware that there are many things that your parents did not teach you if they did not teach you this subject of the soul. This teaching of who we are is one of those types of information issues or lack of information issues that I will dwell on with this web site. The love is here for telling you what and who you are as a person and why you may be having issues or struggles with understanding this part of you that does exist. I want you to know exactly who and what you are.

One last point on teaching our children about the Soul: If your Religion does not support the teaching of a child about the soul or does not have rhetoric on the Soul through a Religious leader in that Religion, something is amiss with that Religion. As a parent today, this is one of the most important issues to create a base for a child’s growth to adulthood within a loving Religion.

Political correctness does not apply to teaching your children about the soul.

There is so much information that our children should be aware of. If the adults/parents are not enlightened to certain known facts that many don’t know about concerning who we are as humans and our past history, how can the adults teach it to our children? They can’t!  This issue of the Soul is not a secret. Parents, don’t treat it as such!

It is so important to teach our children well when they are young. Children and adults need to know truths that have never been taught in schools. These secrets, these truths need to be told…..NOW! There is no time like the present to get this information out for all to take advantage of.

This unique web site is for learning and enlightenment to the masses……. a continuation of basic teachings from school. Thus there is an expanding and clarification of informative concepts that are lacking in most curriculum teachings in our schools. It is not that our schools don’t teach some of these subjects.

It is my contention that these schools have some type of political correctness that alters the truth in such a way that there seems to be bias of some sort in the way subjects are taught. This is a type of maddening dilemma that is frustrating to observe from my observations.

This site throws political correctness out the window and down the mountainside into an abyss. Nothing here is held back because of worry of offending anyone or any type of Religious views.

If this notion of learning new facts that you thought you already knew offends you, well then, you might be too propagandized/programmed with disinformation already to have a change of mind. You can change or have a change of mind but you have to bite your tongue and read on. You also have to decide to try to have an open mind. As I said in the first paragraph on this page, having a changing of your mind is hard once you get older and set in your ways…… your ways of thinking and doing.

An Example Of Historical

Political Correctness

In History class, I was taught about the American Revolution in a certain way. In Elementary School, High School, and in College, I was taught the basic same things about why “The New World” or today’s USA  got fed up with its connection to the Old World and wanted a New Nation with new Laws and New types of Leaders of those Laws that were different from which our Forefathers came.

While I was in college, I happened on three books that I had never seen in High School. When I found this collection of three books, I realized that they were letters put into book form. I started to read these letters sent from Thomas Jefferson to his wife during the American Revolution. It was then that I realized that I had been taught a scripted account that was the politically correct version of the History of why this New Nation was formed.

I can only tell you that history that I was taught never brought up best evidence from the letters of Thomas Jefferson. These letters tell a different story of why the Tea Party was named this way when white people dressed as American Indians dumped tea into the harbor as a symbol of protest.

What I learned from these letters was that the “Tea Party” event was more about the confiscation of hemp which was a highly treasured commodity to make rope for ships. Hemp ropes were the optimal types of rope used that do not break down in salt water when used on sailing ships. Without this type of rope, these ships would lose their sails often. Men could die without the safety of good rope to secure the sails and other parts of the ship. There are so many uses for hemp rope on sailing ships that hemp rope was highly prized as a “prime commodity” to ship builders.

From what I read, it seemed that Hemp was more prized as a commodity than Tea for the British and the New Settlers in America. Tea was the politically correct reason given for the movement’s name. The Hemp Party would not be a politically correct name for a movement then in those times and for the real story that would be told in future history.

In these letter, I remembered that Thomas Jefferson asking if the British had taken certain hemp plants that were not in the fields. Thomas Jefferson’s letter seemed like a person that wanted to know if his plantation assets had been taken away but the hemp was his first concern. I can only suppose that President Jefferson had already heard that the British were confiscating crops and targeting plantations that grew hemp. I will never forget the one letter that mentioned his concern for the special plants near the house that were not part of the field of hemp plants.

You have to realize that regular Marijuana plants make the same type of rope as Hemp and look just alike as Marijuana plants. The inference to certain plants may have been to special plants that may have been for smoking instead of for hemp which has very little THC. That was the way this letter’s inference to these special plants struck me as I read this letter to Martha

The main stem stalk of hemp might be slightly larger on a hemp plant and the apical meristems are fewer on hemp plants but the plant leaves are visually exactly the same. A female marijuana plant has more apical meristem sites to make the plant look more full than a hemp plant. But, a thieving British soldier would not notice the difference. The two types of plants are almost exactly alike in appearance.

The reason for the high contempt for the British Monarchy was that hemp was just taken from plantations because of the high value the plants had for rope. At the same time, Tea from the British Empire was a commodity that was not as crucial to the livelihood of the average person compared to Hemp. Tea was what the British Empire thought was so prized to the New World Americans. The average New World American was starting or already had a new regard for  a New World’s Sovereignty verses the continued high tax paid to an Empire that was thousands of miles across a vast ocean.

Thomas Jefferson was included in this confiscation of crops grown or commodities grown on his plantation without sufficient payment from the the British Monarchy. This fact seemed to be fuel for Jefferson’s discontent and this discontent was described via loving letters to his wife Martha.

This was a man that really made a difference in the instigation of the American Revolution. By reading the letters, it seemed to me that the British really stepped in it when they messed with Thomas Jefferson’s plantation and their theft of his hemp crop. Of course the British took everything. But the hemp was the main subject that dominated some of these letters pertaining to his Plantation.

The Revolution scenario that we were taught in school never mentioned this issue of hemp. The New American settlers were enraged plantation owners having their Hemp crops and food crops stolen by the British more so than it was about tea. The British were stealing Hemp which was a more highly prized commodity than tea. Hemp was a life or death commodity used in the treacherous journey of traveling on the high seas to and from the New World…..and elsewhere. Tea is trivial compared to Hemp.

Tea was a commodity brought for trade from England and it was very expensive. To dump Tea into the Harbor was to show that the New World could do without Tea and the British Monarchy. That was the point of drowning the Tea. This wasn’t the reason for the Revolution. This was just a show of contempt by the New World American citizens.

This information about hemp may seem trivial but in these letter this was the tone that struck me about the Hemp being a very important issue. At least this was what I read in these letters. These letters are best evidence and they are in your local libraries or at least they were in my college library for me to read while I was in college. I can only say that Political Correctness is afoot here.

Also, tea comes from the Camellia plant. The Camellia plant thrives in the USA. This issue of Tea and the Tea Party takes a back seat as reasoning for a Revolution. We were starting to grow our own Camellia plants for tea at this time but tea was still a treasured commodity as a link to the New World’s old home. Those ties to the British Monarchy were broken, for a time, with the American Revolution and with the years that led to the War of 1812. But…..Trade is king and these ties would be repaired as they are today.

It was the confiscation of Plantation assets without sufficient monetary compensation from the British that sparked a fire for the Revolution of New World American citizens. At least this is my opinion from what I read from his own hand, one of the greatest men during the American Revolution, our second Vice President and our third President, Thomas Jefferson.

I only bring this one facet of American History up as an example of how political correctness has strangled knowledge that should be known. If you were offended by my comments, then read these letters for yourself. Best evidence should always trump political correctness. In this case, the American Revolution was not fought over a trivial commodity such as Tea. This Tea Party and the drowning of Tea in the harbor was a symbolic act only.

There were many reasons for the American Revolution. I have just brought one aspect of the Revolution that has been intentionally left out. Politics of the subject matter is afoot here. In my mind, the fact of hemp being a major reason for rebellion against the British Monarchy is not mentioned any history books that I am aware of.

This fact of hemp being such a monumental commodity is a part of our past history. This fact about the USA’s forefathers having massive crops of hemp is a critical part of understanding about the history of the USA in my mind. Read the letters from Jefferson to his wife Martha for your own research to come to your own conclusions on the matter. Don’t be mad at the messenger…… me!

Also…… Don’t you see the obvious reasons why political correctness has mired this version of our Nation’s history. Marijuana smoked and grown by Thomas Jefferson and many other Forefathers is a prime example of how political correctness can contort the truth……… NOW you know.

I am only bringing up this unique best evidence of the history of the American Revolution as an example of the type of different view you will find on this site. While this may seem trivial or even offensive to most, I feel that nothing should be left out of our understanding of history to understand the times of any era.

At some point, I became an observer and/or questioner of what the accepted norm was. I wasn’t trying to be this way but time after time I kept saying, “NO, this seems a bit fishy to me, logic does not hold up because I know something that makes this accepted norm seem untruthful”. This kept happening over and over again as my life played out.

As you read on in a sequence of the pages that I have listed below, you will start to understand why I had these simple day to day revelations that things were not as they seemed to be to most other people. I already knew things that few conceived of concerning the soul even in my single digit years of youth. The reasoning on this different way to perceive came to me often and these knowing type perceptions are subjects for whole web pages on this site

Political correctness and down right suppression of knowledge is afoot throughout history from Ancient times till this day. Be aware. Be wary of what you are given as fact. I will discuss “Conscious Programming” and “Subliminal Programming” in other pages on this site. Being aware of how simple it is to program the masses may change the way you live your life from now on.

I don’t know what entity of society in the past decided to keep people from having higher IQ’s or lack of brain intelligence abilities, when this happened, or which teaching establishment/entity decided to keep important knowledge from teachings of ancient times in any curriculum. It just seems, from hindsight, that there was supposed to be the dumb masses and the elite educated as two different societies living as one since recorded time evolved. This is pretty much the same in many major Countries today. This truth is thousands of years old and is not limited to the present time or recent past.

What I do know is that most teaching curriculum are lacking in facts or information pertaining to certain concepts that are probably deemed too controversial to the accepted teaching norm.

I see these left out concepts as a detriment to knowing how to relate other societies to our present one. Once you do that, obfuscation becomes the norm. Truth takes the back seat and our past is a confusing quagmire of left out facts.

Once you are aware of past histories and the intentional rewriting of truths that become non-truths, you see how critical the real truth is to your present day lives. You can then relate truth to those times to now to let the student learn from these mistakes of past societies.

How can you avoid making the same futile collision/collisions with fate in today’s times if you don’t have a correct understanding of the past? Suppression, whether intentional or non-intentional,  of knowledge and truth are only beneficial to the Elites that want to control the mentally weaker held back masses.

This will end with information to the masses on this site. Everyone has a right to have a higher IQ and anyone can have a higher IQ with the information that is contained on this site. I will promise you that right now.

Paul Revere & 

William Dawes

Longfellow immortalized the “Midnight Ride of Paul Revere”.

It is a little known fact that Revere only rode 17 miles until he came upon a British patrol and was stopped.

William Dawes on the other hand rode about 400 miles and alerted many more riders to do the same. Even though Dawes came upon several British checkpoints, he still finagled his way through these stops and kept riding on and on.

While Revere is renowned as a great that did this call, “The British are coming”, through towns and villages to warn about the British invasion, the British were already firmly in our Country already. The cry was about a mass buildup of more Troops to make a bigger presence here to control the masses with more troops.

In my mind, William Dawes was the real hero of this night that Longfellow never mentioned in his historic poem.

Don’t you think our schools should be teaching about William Dawes along with Revere?!

NOW you know!

William Dawes

Higher Comprehension

& Knowledge Is Suppressed

Somewhere, there has been a disconnect from knowing where and why we are here on Earth today. I feel that I have stumbled on to it….. the WHY!  Understanding this WHY is a way to give students or anyone a higher ability to comprehend all things taught. Although this ability that I will describe will seem Fantastical at first. This new concept will make sense as you read the suggested first three books I have on my current reading list here.

You can have a higher comprehension rate as you read, listen, perceive data taught, and study. You can even read faster and have this higher comprehension ability. This has always been available to you and/or your children. This will come with the unique supplements that I have for you to consume.

Thusly, this site dwells on current and past historical issues that are not taught in Universities, Government or private schools. The learning here is an extension of school to bring new concepts to your psyche. And,….. when I say the term “psyche”, I mean the entity of the soul and the brain as two distinctly different entities… that in reality…..  is what our psyche truly is….. a combination of two separate entities that work together to make the real you that you are here on Earth. The real you, the essence of you is the soul.

This site also teaches about certain safe supplements that help achieve this higher comprehension ability. These are natural supplements that all age levels can consume. They are as safe as eating your food that contains these same elements …. but …. no foods in these times contain enough of these certain elements that are needed to affect or achieve this higher IQ or comprehension and data processing ability.

Enjoy the information, enjoy the down to the point simple reading that I give for these subjects. More ideas and theories can be covered by not being so precise on any subject. It is up to you to pursue the intricacies of any subject to further your own knowledge on subjects that are new to your mind on this web site. My reading list will aid you to research these subjects that interest you.

Also, enlightenment is a personal experience. Each person can derive different states of enlightenment. I can only give you the vehicle and the knowledge to know what to expect and how to get on a path to this enlightenment…….or…..I can only open the gate for you…….it is up to you to travel through that gate.

We will embark on a journey into our reason for existence on this Planet Earth. I will touch on how this race of beings, beings that we call humans that exist today, were once a non solid form being and then we became the solid form humans we are today. You might not like what you read …… but again …. it is up to you to take this knowledge and make your own decisions about what is and what is not. I can only give you this knowledge and lead you to the only evidence that exists on this subject …… or at least lead you to this information as the only evidence on these subjects that I am aware of.

As far as Religion or some type of Religious views go, I think you will come to your own conclusions without any prejudice from my opinions. While I do have my opinions, I can only tell you what I think and let you make that supreme decision in your own mind as to whether my opinion is valid or bunk as it applies to a Creator or One God Energy.

Forbidden Archaeology

or Ancient Political Correctness?

One major emphasis on will be the rediscovery of what I call “Forbidden Archaeology”. While I recognize that this is deemed “Ancient Political Correctness” by those that either want to rewrite the past or those that can’t come to grips with the reality of an ancient time, 12,000 plus years ago, being more advanced than you are aware of. I am not a politically correct person. Therefore, you will get the real down and dirty or best evidence I can find on this subject of Ancients and how their society may be more advanced than you ever thought possible.

I am just going to post one video here on this subject to give you an idea of what is to come. This main page in not for progressing with this subject of “Forbidden Archaeology” but just to make you aware of what is to come on this site.

I bring your attention to a recent discovery that is only available through the New Science of Forensics. When hair samples were tested recently on mummies from Egypt, it was found that the hair contained high concentrations of Tobacco and Cocaine.

The implications are obvious. This means that the Egyptians were trading with people in the now North American and South American Continent. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Not only that, Silk was found in the hair of one mummy and this can only mean that the Egyptians were trading with China also.

The video below is a scientific study done on the mummies I mentioned. The video speaks for itself. I will try to capture the text from this video on another page because YouTube may not be around long after I am gone and this web site is still up.



I think it is important to note that the scientists that came to these scientific conclusions, using indisputable science methodology, were met with death threats and threats in general for revealing what these people saw as something that should be kept out of the public eye. The political correctness lot are a threat to you knowing truths that should not be held from your eyes and minds. Just know that this type of thinking usually ends up ruling what you should or shouldn’t know or what you are allowed to be taught by those that are supposed to teach the truth.

Are these teachers, protestors, or so called by me as, “Archeology Zombies”,….. associated or affiliated with a special archeology clique for the subversion of scientific facts discovered but held back from the public’s view and knowledge?????

You be the judge.

Here is the longer version of the same YouTube video



Free Will & Your Destiny

This is your destiny that includes your “free will” to think as you will on any subject presented here …….and….. this supreme decision of believing in a creator or some scientific quirk of evolution for your eventual existence. No one else can can make that Supreme decision for you. This decision is for your own personal benefit. It has nothing to do with anyone else. You are totally alone in making this monumental jump into believing in a creator or not.

This special journey that you will travel on here will be unique and may seem as an obfuscating concept to your mind at first. Your mind will instinctively reject what may seem to be too off the beaten path of the norm. … BUT….. The norm that I bring to you personally is your enlightenment that is from knowing what the ancients knew…..what the ancients practiced as their norm…… and enlightenment that I derive from my own personal experiences in life.

This journey combines health supplements that add to your ability to enlighten and tune in to a learning frequency that you never knew existed. You have never known about this frequency before……until now. The ancients knew of this. The Pharaohs knew of this frequency and those special nutritional supplements trump any type of supplement that you can acquire in any local vitamin shoppe.

I do admit that you may find some of these supplements in some vitamin shoppes, even Wal-Mart, but the quality is the issue that I have found to be lacking and the price. When bought in bulk, the lower price for these supplements can trump prices in local stores such as Wal-Mart etc. I can’t stress enough about the quality of nutrition products being too questionable for our needs to partake of in this enlightenment journey that you seek or are interested in.

I will reveal these supplements to you so that those who decide to take this journey of learning here can experience this enlightenment first hand and share the achievements of experiences for others to read of in the comments section.

I have made this site so that others can comment on their achievements from using these supplements so readers of this site will be of a mind to give this journey a try.    ……………… Dr. Oz would definitely be interested to learn what you will be learning and experiencing here.

While some of the recommendations for health supplements that I suggest are basic, others will seem radical and totally new to you. These basic supplements only enhance the super supplements that I will share with you as you take your journey of enlightenment at Some of these supplements will give you new energy to want to acquire or consume more knowledge.


& My Work With This Science Of Nature

While I welcome any person to view and comment on my writings, information, and technology offered on these pages, I do reserve the right to dismiss what I see as blatant harassment by those that are not up to speed with the technology information that is within this site. I will not tolerate conjecture where my work is questioned without equal work devoted to the same technology. You can read experience, but you can only experience certain knowledge with the work and observations that come with experimentation.

I will not allow negative posts by those that merely post negatively without participation in the supplement regimen and reading requests that I will make. Anyone can have an opinion….. but ……in this case….. opinion has to mired in the experience of the supplements that I suggest that you consume plus the reading requirements suggested.

I will monitor all posts to this site before allowing those posts to be a part of the information here at So save the wear and tear on your finger tips and typewriting keys. Use your mind for enlightenment instead of conjecture because you “think” you know otherwise. I am not going to allow negative energy thoughts to be part of this web site.

I am not a dogmatic person and I don’t feel that I know everything on any subject.  But, when I do know more about some subjects presented here, there will be a firestorm of criticism coming and this will cause a frenzy of sorts. I knew this before I started making this site.

The subject of Orgone and Orgonite is one of those topics that will go against the Don Croft way of thinking or the mainstream beliefs of orgonomy. While I consider Don Croft to be a serious person in the field of orgonomy, I know his theories on many fields of experimentation to be total nonsense and without sound scientific logic or experimenting experience as you will eventually find out.

While I think a lot of Don, I know Don to be of a non-scientific mind when it comes to applying technology that he has never fully understood. You can not say something and therefore it is. It is unscientific to rush to any conclusion just by wanting it to be so or the way you think it should be so. It may be that Don does know he is wrong and to admit his wrong conclusions would be to dash his reputation of so many that look up to him.

The good people at Aetheric Warriors are some wonderful loving people. But….  there seems to be some kind of following of Don agenda that is foreign for me to grasp at this group. This is unfortunate, in my humble opinion,  with the Etheric Warriors crowd. If you are a member of this group, I can only urge you to be an independent, be your own person, separate yourself from this group  and do your own work to rely on your own conclusions in this field of orgonomy.

By following the likes of Don Croft and his beautiful wife Carol Croft or anyone else, you lose your creativity and self expression… give yourself up to the scientific or unscientific notions of others.

I can only comment on this subject of orgonomy and others because I have intimate knowledge of this particular subject and personal relations with people in this field that few have known personally and few have taken the time to understand fully. My work and experiments have proven over and over again what others have failed to see on the subject of orgone, orgonite, and orgonomy as a whole.

Other subjects will seem more important to you. This will be the information on the ancients and the whole of this enlightenment subject. But…..This subject of orgonomy is just very notable to mention because this orgone energy is around you every second of the day that you spend in this incarnation. You travel through ogone which is invisible matter that permeates all solid inert matter that you see plus what you can’t see. Orgone is in your body as you do everything you do. Being aware that this energy can help you to understand so many other things that are invisible to the naked eye. Nature itself is controlled by orgone. Aether is composed of orgone also.

I have to mention this orgone subject because the energy of life and the energy of enlightenment go hand in hand. I will try my best to meld this information on orgone energy with other energies that the ancients knew of and practiced. The term orgone is a new term that has had many names over the thousands of years till now. By the time I finish with this entire site, you too will understand the significance of this orgone energy that controls your day in many ways.

I have given this knowledge to you so that you can make your own judgement. Scientifically speaking, you would have to live in ancient times to truly have first hand knowledge of the true facts of ancient ways. I can only give you the best evidence to give you data so you can make your own decisions as to what is factual or highly probable. No one person actually knows exactly everything about some of these topics that I will cover on this site. It would be unscientific and inane of me to suggest otherwise.

As far as my personal ideology goes, I have to bring attention to one important aspect of my thinking as I have gone through this life. I worship no man, no person. I want no person to worship me nor do I want others “NOT” to have an objective view to my information that I give. I welcome objectivity and new creative thinking.

I want YOU to be your own person without trying to emulate another human being. Be the best you can be and never worry about the opinions that others might have of you. Just be as kind and loving as you can to your fellow brother and sisters here on Earth.

You should only change this kind thinking towards another human if that human or group of persons threatens you or your other Earthling brothers and sisters or want to cause mental or physical harm to you in any way. (I will expound on this concept in other pages on this site.)

I can only give sound logic where sound logic has been overlooked in the concepts that I bring to you on this site. It is up to you to understand scientific logic as it applies to the conclusions that I have rendered from my work, other’s work, ancient history, alchemy, and any other lost concepts of forgotten knowledge that I present here.

I don’t want followers that just follow any person’s ways blindly. I just don’t want followers period! My anonymity is very important to me. There are only a few people that know me by moonreaderman. I doubt those few would want to cause me harm by making my real name and location known. I will be moving soon so my anonymity will be strengthened with this move.

Just think of me as someone that pointed you down a new road and everything that you discovered on this new road is your discovery. I am just the person that raised my arm and pointed.

Read these first few pages in order of their postings if you will. It is important to take these small steps gradually as you take your course on enlightenment here.

Lastly…… by reading my second post on the “Website Purpose Statement”, you will understand more about what is to come and why I am making this site.

Welcome to your personal  journey of enlightenment.

Welcome to

Note: Please read the first seven pages in order listed below>>>>

The New YOU

Site purpose

Higher Intelligence Frequency

Free Positive Energy Device

Super Primary Supplements

Super Supplements of the Ancients

Our Soul