navigasi bar apk

Navigasi Bar Apk

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Navigasi Bar Apk: How to Customize Your Android Navigation Bar

Do you want to change the look and feel of your Android navigation bar? Do you want to add more functionality and features to it? If yes, then you should try navigasi bar apk, a free app that lets you customize your navigation bar with different colors, themes, and actions. In this article, we will show you what navigasi bar apk is, why you should use it, how to install and use it, and how to create your own navigation bar theme.

What is navigasi bar apk?

Navigasi bar apk is an Android app that allows you to replace your on-screen navigation bar with a custom one. You can choose from 15 predefined themes or create your own theme with various colors, images, and icons. You can also adjust the size, position, and swipe sensitivity of the navigation bar. Moreover, you can assign different actions to the back, home, and recent buttons, such as taking a screenshot, toggling Wi-Fi, opening volume control, and more. You can even launch other apps with a long press or a double tap.

Why use navigasi bar apk?

There are many reasons why you might want to use navigasi bar apk. Here are some of them:

  • You can customize your navigation bar according to your personal preference and style.
  • You can enhance your navigation experience with more features and options.
  • You can fix broken or malfunctioning navigation buttons on your device.
  • You can hide or show the navigation bar with a simple swipe gesture.
  • You can save battery life by reducing the brightness of the navigation bar.

On the other hand, there are some drawbacks of the default navigation bar that you might want to avoid. Here are some of them:

  • The default navigation bar is boring and plain.
  • The default navigation bar takes up valuable screen space.
  • The default navigation bar does not offer much functionality or customization.
  • The default navigation bar may not match the theme or color scheme of your device or app.
  • The default navigation bar may not work properly on some devices or apps.

How to install and use navigasi bar apk?

Installing and using navigasi bar apk is easy and straightforward. Just follow these steps:

The steps to download and install the app

  1. Go to [this link](^1^) and download the latest version of navigasi bar apk.
  2. Open the downloaded file and tap on Install.
  3. Wait for the installation process to finish.

The steps to grant permissions and enable accessibility service

  1. Open the app and tap on Start.
  3. Enable accessibility service for the app by tapping on Enable Accessibility Service and following the instructions on the screen. This is necessary for the app to replace your default navigation bar.

The steps to choose a theme and adjust settings

  1. Go back to the app and tap on Choose Theme.
  2. Select one of the 15 predefined themes or tap on Custom Theme to create your own theme.
  3. Tap on Apply to activate the selected theme.
  4. Tap on Settings to adjust the size, position, and swipe sensitivity of the navigation bar.
  5. Tap on Actions to assign different actions to the back, home, and recent buttons. You can choose from 20 different actions or launch other apps with a long press or a double tap.

How to create your own navigation bar theme?

If you want to create your own navigation bar theme, you can use the theme editor in the app. Here are the steps:

The steps to access the theme editor

  1. Go to Choose Theme and tap on Custom Theme.
  2. Tap on Edit Theme.
  3. You will see a preview of your navigation bar and four tabs: Background, Back Button, Home Button, and Recent Button.

The steps to select colors, images, and icons

  1. Tap on each tab to customize the corresponding element of your navigation bar.
  2. For the background, you can choose a solid color, a gradient color, or an image from your gallery. You can also adjust the transparency and brightness of the background.
  3. For the buttons, you can choose an icon from the app’s library or an image from your gallery. You can also adjust the size, color, transparency, and brightness of the buttons.

The steps to save and apply your theme

  1. When you are satisfied with your theme, tap on Save Theme.
  2. Give your theme a name and tap on OK.
  3. Your theme will be added to the list of custom themes. Tap on it and then tap on Apply to activate it.


Navigasi bar apk is a great app for customizing your Android navigation bar. You can choose from 15 predefined themes or create your own theme with various colors, images, and icons. You can also adjust the size, position, and swipe sensitivity of the navigation bar. Moreover, you can assign different actions to the back, home, and recent buttons, such as taking a screenshot, toggling Wi-Fi, opening volume control, and more. You can even launch other apps with a long press or a double tap. Navigasi bar apk is free and easy to use. It can enhance your navigation experience and make your device more stylish and functional. So what are you waiting for? Download navigasi bar apk today and enjoy a new way of navigating your Android device!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Is navigasi bar apk safe to use?
  • A: Yes, navigasi bar apk is safe to use. It does not contain any viruses or malware. It only requires permissions that are necessary for its functionality. It does not collect or share any personal data or information.
  • Q: Does navigasi bar apk work on all Android devices?
  • A: Navigasi bar apk works on most Android devices that have an on-screen navigation bar. However, some devices or apps may not be compatible with the app or may interfere with its functionality. If you encounter any problems or issues with the app, please contact the developer for support.
  • Q: How do I uninstall navigasi bar apk?
  • A: To uninstall navigasi bar apk, you need to first disable accessibility service for the app by going to Settings > Accessibility > Navigasi Bar Apk > Off. Then you can uninstall the app normally by going to Settings > Apps > Navigasi Bar Apk > Uninstall.
  • Q: How do I update navigasi bar apk?
  • A: To update navigasi bar apk, you need to download and install the latest version of the app from [this link]. You do not need to uninstall the previous version of the app before installing the new one.
  • Q: How do I contact the developer of navigasi bar apk?
  • A: You can contact the developer of navigasi bar apk by sending an email to [this address]. You can also visit [this website] for more information about the app and its features.
