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How to Download Honor of Kings: The World’s Most-Played Mobile MOBA

If you are looking for a thrilling and competitive mobile game that will keep you hooked for hours, you should definitely check out Honor of Kings. This game is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) that offers the ultimate gaming experience on mobile devices. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Honor of Kings, how to download it on your device, and how to play it like a pro.

What is Honor of Kings?

A brief introduction to the game and its features

Honor of Kings is a MOBA game developed by TiMi Studio Group and published by Tencent. It was released in China in 2015 and has since become the world’s most-played mobile game with over 100 million daily active users. The game is now available in Brazil and will soon launch globally.

In Honor of Kings, you can choose from around 60 unique heroes, each with their own signature skills, stunning skins, and legendary stories. You can play as a tank, warrior, assassin, mage, marksman, or support, depending on your preference and role. You can also customize your hero with different items and runes to enhance their abilities.

The game features different game modes, including 3v3 and 1v1 battles, as well as casual and ranked matches. The main mode is the 5v5 battle, where two teams of five players compete to destroy the enemy’s base. The map has three lanes, each with nine towers that must be taken down before reaching the enemy’s crystal. There are also neutral monsters and objectives that provide extra gold, experience, and buffs.

Why is it so popular and fun to play?

One of the reasons why Honor of Kings is so popular and fun to play is because it delivers an intense, fast-paced, and strategic MOBA experience on mobile without sacrificing quality or performance. The game has stunning graphics, smooth gameplay, and immersive sound effects that make you feel like you are in the battlefield.

Another reason is because it offers a variety of heroes and playstyles that cater to different preferences and skill levels. You can experiment with different combinations of heroes, items, and runes to find your best fit. You can also learn from the best players by watching their live streams or replays on the game’s official website or social media platforms.

Lastly, Honor of Kings is a social game that allows you to connect with your friends and other players from around the world. You can chat with them in-game or on Discord, form teams or guilds, participate in events or tournaments, and share your achievements or feedback. You can also enjoy the game’s rich lore and culture by reading its comics or novels or watching its animations or movies.

How to download Honor of Kings on your device?

For Android users

Download from Google Play Store

The easiest way to download Honor of Kings on your Android device is to use the Google Play Store app. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Play Store app on your device.
  2. Search for “Honor of Kings” in the search bar.
  3. Select the game from the list of results and tap “Install”.
  4. Wait for the game to download and install on your device.
  5. Launch the game and enjoy!

Download from APKPure

If you cannot access the Google Play Store or want to download the latest version of Honor of Kings, you can use the APKPure app. APKPure is a third-party app store that provides safe and fast downloads of Android apps and games. Here is how to use it:

  1. Download and install the APKPure app from its official website:
  2. Open the APKPure app on your device and search for “Honor of Kings” in the search bar.
  3. Select the game from the list of results and tap “Download APK”.
  4. Wait for the game to download and install on your device.
  5. Launch the game and enjoy!

For iOS users

Download from Apple App Store

The easiest way to download Honor of Kings on your iOS device is to use the Apple App Store app. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Open the Apple App Store app on your device.
  2. Search for “Honor of Kings” in the search bar.
  3. Select the game from the list of results and tap “Get”.
  4. Wait for the game to download and install on your device.
  5. Launch the game and enjoy!

For PC users

Download from BlueStacks emulator

If you want to play Honor of Kings on your PC, you will need to use an emulator that can run Android apps and games on your computer. One of the best emulators for this purpose is BlueStacks, which is free, fast, and easy to use. Here is how to use it:

  1. Download and install BlueStacks from its official website:
  2. Open BlueStacks on your PC and sign in with your Google account.
  3. Search for “Honor of Kings” in the search bar or go to the Google Play Store app within BlueStacks.
  4. Select the game from the list of results and click “Install”.
  5. Wait for the game to download and install on BlueStacks.
  6. Launch the game and enjoy!

How to play Honor of Kings like a pro?

Choose the right class and hero for your playstyle

One of the most important aspects of playing Honor of Kings is choosing the right class and hero for your playstyle. There are six classes in the game: tank, warrior, assassin, mage, marksman, and support. Each class has its own strengths, weaknesses, and roles in the team. Here is a brief overview of each class:

Class Description Example Heroes
Tank Tanks are durable heroes that can absorb damage and protect their allies. They are usually found in the front line, initiating fights or peeling enemies off their teammates. They have high health, armor, and magic resistance, but low damage output. Zhang Fei, Sun Wukong, Mulan
Warrior Warriors are versatile heroes that can deal damage and survive in fights. They are usually found in the side lanes, farming gold and experience or roaming around the map. They have moderate health, armor, magic resistance, and damage output. Luban, Guan Yu, Lu Bu
Assassin Assassins are agile heroes that can burst down enemies with their high damage output. They are usually found in the jungle, clearing monsters or ganking lanes. They have low health, armor, magic resistance, but high mobility and damage output. Lanling Wang, Daji, Li Bai
Mage Mages are powerful heroes that can deal magic damage and control enemies with their spells. They are usually found in the mid lane, farming gold and experience or supporting other lanes. They have low health, armor, magic resistance, but high mana and damage output. Zhuge Liang, Diaochan, Zhong Kui
Marksman Marksman are ranged heroes that can deal physical damage from a distance. They are usually found in the bottom lane, farming gold and experience or pushing towers. They have low health, armor, magic resistance, but high attack speed and damage output. Hou Yi, Marco Polo, Wang Zhaojun
Support Supports are helpful heroes that can heal, shield, or buff their allies. They are usually found in the bottom lane, supporting the marksman or roaming around the map. They have low health, armor, magic resistance, and damage output, but high utility and crowd control. Meng Qi, Chang’e, Zhu Ge

You should choose a class and hero that suits your playstyle and complements your team composition. For example, if your team lacks a tank, you should pick a tank hero to fill the gap. If your team has a lot of physical damage dealers, you should pick a mage hero to balance the damage output. You should also consider the strengths and weaknesses of your hero and the enemy’s hero when choosing a lane or a target.

Understand the game mechanics and objectives

Another important aspect of playing Honor of Kings is understanding the game mechanics and objectives. There are many factors that affect the outcome of the game, such as gold, experience, items, runes, towers, monsters, buffs, and more. Here are some of the key points you should know:

  • Gold and experience are the main resources that allow you to level up your hero and buy items. You can gain gold and experience by killing enemy heroes, minions, monsters, or towers. You should try to farm as much as possible without dying or missing out on team fights.
  • Items and runes are the main ways to enhance your hero’s abilities. You can buy items from the shop in your base or in the river. You can equip runes before the game starts or during the game by tapping on the rune icon. You should buy items and runes that match your hero’s class and role and counter the enemy’s items and runes.
  • Towers are the main structures that protect your base and lanes. They deal damage to enemy heroes and minions that come near them. They also grant vision to your team in their range. You should try to destroy enemy towers while defending your own towers.
  • Monsters are neutral creatures that spawn in the jungle or in the river. They provide gold, experience, and buffs to the team that kills them. Some of the most important monsters are:
    • The Dragon: a powerful monster that spawns in the river at 4 minutes. It grants a buff that increases your team’s attack damage and ability power for 3 minutes.
    • The Tyrant: a powerful monster that spawns in the river at 8 minutes. It grants a buff that increases your team’s movement speed and health regeneration for 3 minutes.
    • The Overlord: a powerful monster that spawns in the jungle at 12 minutes. It grants a buff that summons two super minions in each lane for 3 minutes.
    • The Dark Slayer: a powerful monster that spawns in the jungle at 16 minutes. It grants a buff that allows you to summon a giant dragon that can destroy enemy towers for 3 minutes.
  • Buffs are temporary effects that enhance your hero’s abilities. They can be obtained by killing certain monsters or picking up certain runes. Some of the most common buffs are:
    • The Red Buff: a buff that increases your hero’s attack damage and causes your attacks to slow down enemies and deal extra damage over time.
    • The Blue Buff: a buff that increases your hero’s ability power and mana regeneration and reduces your cooldowns.
    • The Green Buff: a buff that increases your hero’s armor and magic resistance and heals you when you take damage.
    • The Purple Buff: a buff that increases your hero’s movement speed and stealths you when you are out of combat.

Communicate and cooperate with your team

A final important aspect of playing Honor of Kings is communicating and cooperating with your team. Honor of Kings is a team-based game that requires coordination and teamwork to win. You should always communicate with your team using the chat or voice function or using the quick messages or pings. You should also cooperate with your team by following their calls or making your own calls, such as when to engage or retreat, when to take objectives or defend them, when to split push or group up, etc.

Learn from the best players and guides

If you want to improve your skills and knowledge in Honor of Kings, you should learn from the best players and guides available online. You can watch live streams or replays of professional players or high-ranked players on platforms like YouTube or Twitch. You can also read guides or tips from websites or blogs that provide useful information and advice on how to play Honor of Kings better. You can also join online communities or forums where you can interact with other players, ask questions, share your opinions, or find teammates. Some of the best sources to learn from are:

  • The official website of Honor of Kings:
  • The official YouTube channel of Honor of Kings:
  • The official Facebook page of Honor of Kings:
  • The official Discord server of Honor of Kings:
  • The subreddit of Honor of Kings:
  • The website of ProGuides:


Honor of Kings is a game that you should not miss if you are a fan of MOBA games or mobile games in general. It offers a thrilling and competitive gaming experience that will challenge your skills and strategy. It also offers a variety of heroes and playstyles that will suit your preference and role. It also offers a social and cultural aspect that will connect you with your friends and other players from around the world. You can download Honor of Kings on your device by following the steps we have provided above. You can also play Honor of Kings like a pro by following the tips we have shared above. We hope you enjoy playing Honor of Kings and have fun!


Is Honor of Kings free to play?

Yes, Honor of Kings is free to play. You can download and play the game without paying anything. However, you can also buy in-game currency or items with real money if you want to enhance your gaming experience or support the developers.

Is Honor of Kings the same as Arena of Valor?

No, Honor of Kings is not the same as Arena of Valor. Arena of Valor is the international version of Honor of Kings, which was released in 2017. Although they share some similarities, they have different heroes, maps, modes, features, and communities.

Is Honor of Kings available in my country?

Honor of Kings is currently available in China and Brazil. It will soon launch globally under the name “Honor of Kings: World”. You can check the official website or social media platforms for updates on the global launch.

What are the system requirements for Honor of Kings?

The system requirements for Honor of Kings are as follows:

  • For Android devices: Android 4.1 or higher, 2 GB RAM or higher, 1 GB storage space or higher.
  • For iOS devices: iOS 9.0 or higher, iPhone 5s or higher, iPad Air or higher, iPod touch 6th generation or higher.
  • For PC devices: Windows 7 or higher, 4 GB RAM or higher, 4 GB storage space or higher, Intel HD Graphics 4000 or higher.

How can I contact the customer service of Honor of Kings?

You can contact the customer service of Honor of Kings by using the following methods:

  • In-game: Tap on the settings icon in the top right corner, then tap on “Customer Service”, then choose the option that suits your issue.
  • Email: Send an email to
  • Phone: Call
