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Knosys Blue Standalone Professional.rar [UPD] 🔔

Knosys Blue Standalone Professional.rar [UPD] 🔔



Knosys Blue Standalone Professional.rar

Figure 4. (A) Sleep promotion via music is suggested by the average of R-peak alignments for all information segments (a) with high quality (b) and low quality (c). This figure shows that in certain intervals sleep and wake are interchanged (indicated by the squared box at the end of the segments). Sleep (blue lines) and awake (red lines) alternating alternations are visible at times when the subject is supposed to be in sleep as suggested by self-report information (gray lines). (B) EEGs aligned by the sleep/wake alternation phase of the circadian rhythm (indicated with a blue box) for all subjects (from top to bottom: subjects sleep is indicated by blue line; subject awake is signd as red line; self-reported is indicated with gray line). The color of the vertical bars is grey if information was not available yet at that time or is indicated by the respective subject. (C) The distribution of 4 hr intervals in each subject (n = 76) where the subject is suggested to sleep according to self-report information if (A). (D) The distribution of the same intervals for all subjects (n = 76) with indication of the distribution of intervals in case of high quality (blue histogram, n = 41) or low quality (red histogram, n = 35) alignments per subject. The activity of subjects who were suggested to be asleep after music promotion (blue boxes in C) is visible as blue peaks in the histograms (indicated by the black line). (inset) The same for all subjects (n = 76) with indication of the distribution of intervals in case of good (red) or bad (blue) alignments. The activity of subjects who were suggested to sleep after music promotion (red boxes in D, inset) is visible as a red peak in the histogram.](pone.0120600.g004){#pone.0120600.g004} knosys blue standalone professional.rar

Figure 6. (A, left) Daily stage-to-stage transitions for all male subjects (n = 76) as shown by our method. Red plot indicates the state of consciousness corresponding to the subjective self-report information (subjects indicated by gray lines). Green dashed line shows the self-reported information. (A, right) Same for all female subjects in our sample (n = 76).
