Invisible Touch by Lior Manor DVD

Invisible Touch By Lior Manor DVD [CRACKED] ♛

Invisible Touch by Lior Manor DVD: A Review

Have you ever wanted to make someone feel your touch without touching them? Have you ever wanted to perform a mind-blowing mentalism routine that will leave your audience speechless? If so, you might be interested in the Invisible Touch by Lior Manor DVD.

The Invisible Touch is a classic effect in mentalism, invented by Lior Manor around 1987. It is a routine where a volunteer on stage feels the mentalist touching her lightly, while the audience sees that the performer’s hands were not even close. It is a powerful demonstration of psychokinesis, or the ability to move or affect objects with the mind.

What You Will Learn

In the DVD, you will learn all about the performance of the effect, as well as some additional routines and ideas that Lior Manor has developed over 30 years of performing and refining this masterpiece. You will learn:

  • Two spoon bending routines that you can use to warm up the audience and create a connection with them.
  • The Himber ring routine, where you link and unlink two borrowed rings using your invisible touch.
  • The PK time idea, where you make a spectator’s watch stop or move forward using your mind.
  • The enhanced PK touches routine by Banachek, where you make two spectators feel each other’s touch without touching.
  • The invisible touch itself, where you make a spectator feel your touch on different parts of her body without touching her.

You will also get tips and advice from Lior Manor on how to present the effect, how to choose the right volunteer, how to handle different situations and reactions, and how to make the effect more convincing and impactful.

Why You Should Get It

The Invisible Touch by Lior Manor DVD is a must-have for any serious mentalist who wants to perform a stunning and memorable routine that will amaze any audience. The effect is easy to do, requires no special props or gimmicks (except for some spoons and rings), and can be done in any setting, from close-up to stage. The effect is also very versatile, as you can customize it to suit your style and personality.

The Invisible Touch by Lior Manor DVD is also a great opportunity to learn from one of the most creative and experienced minds in mentalism. Lior Manor is a living legend who has performed for thousands of shows around the world, for top corporations and celebrities. He has also been awarded by the Psychic Entertainers Association with the Dunninger Memorial Award for distinguished professionalism in the performance of mentalism. He is a brilliant thinker and a charming performer who knows how to make mentalism entertaining and engaging.

Invisible Touch by Lior Manor DVD: A Review

Have you ever wanted to make someone feel your touch without touching them? Have you ever wanted to perform a mind-blowing mentalism routine that will leave your audience speechless? If so, you might be interested in the Invisible Touch by Lior Manor DVD.

The Invisible Touch is a classic effect in mentalism, invented by Lior Manor around 1987. It is a routine where a volunteer on stage feels the mentalist touching her lightly, while the audience sees that the performer’s hands were not even close. It is a powerful demonstration of psychokinesis, or the ability to move or affect objects with the mind.

What You Will Learn

In the DVD, you will learn all about the performance of the effect, as well as some additional routines and ideas that Lior Manor has developed over 30 years of performing and refining this masterpiece. You will learn:

  • Two spoon bending routines that you can use to warm up the audience and create a connection with them.
  • The Himber ring routine, where you link and unlink two borrowed rings using your invisible touch.
  • The PK time idea, where you make a spectator’s watch stop or move forward using your mind.
  • The enhanced PK touches routine by Banachek, where you make two spectators feel each other’s touch without touching.
  • The invisible touch itself, where you make a spectator feel your touch on different parts of her body without touching her.

You will also get tips and advice from Lior Manor on how to present the effect, how to choose the right volunteer, how to handle different situations and reactions, and how to make the effect more convincing and impactful.

Why You Should Get It

The Invisible Touch by Lior Manor DVD is a must-have for any serious mentalist who wants to perform a stunning and memorable routine that will amaze any audience. The effect is easy to do, requires no special props or gimmicks (except for some spoons and rings), and can be done in any setting, from close-up to stage. The effect is also very versatile, as you can customize it to suit your style and personality.

The Invisible Touch by Lior Manor DVD is also a great opportunity to learn from one of the most creative and experienced minds in mentalism. Lior Manor is a living legend who has performed for thousands of shows around the world, for top corporations and celebrities. He has also been awarded by the Psychic Entertainers Association with the Dunninger Memorial Award for distinguished professionalism in the performance of mentalism. He is a brilliant thinker and a charming performer who knows how to make mentalism entertaining and engaging.

How to Perform It

If you want to perform the Invisible Touch by Lior Manor DVD, you will need some basic skills and knowledge in mentalism, such as misdirection, suggestion, timing, and rapport. You will also need some practice and confidence to pull it off smoothly and convincingly.

The basic premise of the effect is that you ask a volunteer to come on stage and sit on a chair. You explain that you are going to try an experiment with her mind and body. You ask her to close her eyes and relax. You then tell her that you are going to touch her lightly on different parts of her body, such as her shoulder, her elbow, her knee, etc. You ask her to raise her hand whenever she feels your touch.

However, what the audience sees is that you never touch her at all. You just pretend to do so with your hand movements and gestures. You use subtle cues and signals to make her feel your touch without touching her. For example, you might blow gently on her ear, or tap your foot on the floor near her leg, or use an accomplice or a device to create a vibration or a sound near her body.

The volunteer reacts accordingly and raises her hand whenever she feels your touch. The audience is amazed and baffled by this phenomenon. They wonder how you can make someone feel your touch without touching them.

You can then reveal that

Invisible Touch by Lior Manor DVD: A Review

Have you ever wanted to make someone feel your touch without touching them? Have you ever wanted to perform a mind-blowing mentalism routine that will leave your audience speechless? If so, you might be interested in the Invisible Touch by Lior Manor DVD.

The Invisible Touch is a classic effect in mentalism, invented by Lior Manor around 1987. It is a routine where a volunteer on stage feels the mentalist touching her lightly, while the audience sees that the performer’s hands were not even close. It is a powerful demonstration of psychokinesis, or the ability to move or affect objects with the mind.

What You Will Learn

In the DVD, you will learn all about the performance of the effect, as well as some additional routines and ideas that Lior Manor has developed over 30 years of performing and refining this masterpiece. You will learn:

  • Two spoon bending routines that you can use to warm up the audience and create a connection with them.
  • The Himber ring routine, where you link and unlink two borrowed rings using your invisible touch.
  • The PK time idea, where you make a spectator’s watch stop or move forward using your mind.
  • The enhanced PK touches routine by Banachek, where you make two spectators feel each other’s touch without touching.
  • The invisible touch itself, where you make a spectator feel your touch on different parts of her body without touching her.

You will also get tips and advice from Lior Manor on how to present the effect, how to choose the right volunteer, how to handle different situations and reactions, and how to make the effect more convincing and impactful.

Why You Should Get It

The Invisible Touch by Lior Manor DVD is a must-have for any serious mentalist who wants to perform a stunning and memorable routine that will amaze any audience. The effect is easy to do, requires no special props or gimmicks (except for some spoons and rings), and can be done in any setting, from close-up to stage. The effect is also very versatile, as you can customize it to suit your style and personality.

The Invisible Touch by Lior Manor DVD is also a great opportunity to learn from one of the most creative and experienced minds in mentalism. Lior Manor is a living legend who has performed for thousands of shows around the world, for top corporations and celebrities. He has also been awarded by the Psychic Entertainers Association with the Dunninger Memorial Award for distinguished professionalism in the performance of mentalism. He is a brilliant thinker and a charming performer who knows how to make mentalism entertaining and engaging.

How to Perform It

If you want to perform the Invisible Touch by Lior Manor DVD, you will need some basic skills and knowledge in mentalism, such as misdirection, suggestion, timing, and rapport. You will also need some practice and confidence to pull it off smoothly and convincingly.

The basic premise of the effect is that you ask a volunteer to come on stage and sit on a chair. You explain that you are going to try an experiment with her mind and body. You ask her to close her eyes and relax. You then tell her that you are going to touch her lightly on different parts of her body, such as her shoulder, her elbow, her knee, etc. You ask her to raise her hand whenever she feels your touch.

However, what the audience sees is that you never touch her at all. You just pretend to do so with your hand movements and gestures. You use subtle cues and signals to make her feel your touch without touching her. For example, you might blow gently on her ear, or tap your foot on the floor near her leg, or use an accomplice or a device to create a vibration or a sound near her body.

The volunteer reacts accordingly and raises her hand whenever she feels your touch. The audience is amazed and baffled by this phenomenon. They wonder how you can make someone feel your touch without touching them.

You can then reveal that


The Invisible Touch by Lior Manor DVD is a valuable resource for any mentalist who wants to learn and perform one of the most amazing and mysterious effects in mentalism. It is a comprehensive and detailed course that covers everything you need to know to perform the effect successfully and impressively. You will learn from one of the best in the field, who has perfected this routine over decades of experience and experimentation. You will also learn some bonus routines and ideas that will enhance your repertoire and skills. The Invisible Touch by Lior Manor DVD is a must-have for any serious mentalist who wants to take their performance to the next level.
