Golden Software Surfer 12 Crack 142

Golden Software Surfer 12 Crack 142 👌


Golden Software Surfer 12 Crack 142: The Ultimate Guide to Downloading and Installing the Best Data Mapping Tool

Are you looking for a way to create stunning maps and graphs from your data? Do you want to perform various calculations and transformations on your grids, such as interpolation, gridding, smoothing, filtering, volume, contouring and more? Do you want to use a software that is trusted by thousands of scientists, engineers, geologists and researchers around the world?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be interested in Golden Software Surfer 12. Surfer 12 is a powerful and versatile data mapping, modeling and analysis software that allows you to visualize your data in various ways. Surfer 12 has many features and functions that make it the ideal tool for anyone who works with spatial data.

However, Surfer 12 is not a cheap software. It costs $849 for a single-user license, and $279 for an upgrade from a previous version. If you are on a tight budget, or you just want to try out Surfer 12 before buying it, you might be tempted to look for a crack version of the software. A crack version is a modified version of the software that bypasses the license verification and allows you to use it for free.

But is it really worth it to download and install a crack version of Surfer 12? In this article, we will show you why it is not a good idea to use a crack version of Surfer 12, and how you can get a legitimate and free trial of the software instead. We will also show you how to download and install Surfer 12 on your computer, and how to use some of its basic features and functions.

Why You Should Avoid Golden Software Surfer 12 Crack 142

There are many reasons why you should avoid using a crack version of Surfer 12. Here are some of them:

  • It is illegal. Using a crack version of Surfer 12 is a violation of the software’s end-user license agreement (EULA), which states that you are not allowed to modify, copy, distribute or reverse-engineer the software without the permission of Golden Software. By using a crack version of Surfer 12, you are breaking the law and exposing yourself to potential legal consequences.
  • It is unsafe. Downloading and installing a crack version of Surfer 12 from an unknown source can expose your computer to malware, viruses, spyware and other harmful programs. These programs can damage your system, steal your personal information, compromise your security and privacy, and cause other problems. You never know what kind of malicious code might be hidden in a crack version of Surfer 12.
  • It is unreliable. A crack version of Surfer 12 might not work properly or at all. It might have bugs, errors, glitches, compatibility issues, missing features or functions, or other problems that affect its performance and functionality. You might not be able to open your files, save your work, export your maps or graphs, or use some of the tools or commands. You might also experience crashes, freezes, slowdowns or other issues that disrupt your workflow and productivity.
  • It is unsupported. A crack version of Surfer 12 does not come with any technical support or customer service from Golden Software. If you encounter any problems or have any questions while using the software, you are on your own. You cannot contact Golden Software for help or assistance, nor can you access their online resources such as webinars, blog posts, tutorials or forums. You also cannot receive any updates or patches that fix bugs or improve the software.

As you can see, using a crack version of Surfer 12 is not worth the risk or the hassle. You are better off using a legitimate and free trial of the software instead.

How to Get Golden Software Surfer 12 Free Trial

The good news is that you can get a free trial of Surfer 12 from Golden Software’s website. The free trial is fully functioning except that the save, copy, print and export commands are disabled. The free trial lasts for two weeks from the date of installation.

To get the free trial of Surfer 12, follow these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the “Free Trial” button on the top right corner of the page.
  3. Fill out the form with your name, email address and other information.
  4. Click on the “Download Now” button at the bottom of the form.
  5. Save the file surfer_12.exe to your computer.
  6. Run the file surfer_12.exe and follow the instructions to install Surfer 12 on your computer.
  7. Launch Surfer 12 and enjoy your free trial!

You can use the free trial of Surfer 12 to explore its features and functions, create maps and graphs from your data, perform various calculations and transformations on your grids

, and more. You can also access Golden Software’s online resources such as webinars, blog posts, tutorials or forums for more information and guidance on how to use Surfer 12 effectively.

How to Download and Install Golden Software Surfer 12

If you decide to buy Surfer 12 after trying out the free trial, you can download and install it on your computer easily. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the “Buy Now” button on the top right corner of the page.
  3. Select the license type and quantity that suits your needs.
  4. Fill out the billing and payment information.
  5. Click on the “Place Order” button at the bottom of the page.
  6. You will receive an email confirmation with your order details and a download link for Surfer 12.
  7. Click on the download link and save the file surfer_12.exe to your computer.
  8. Run the file surfer_12.exe and follow the instructions to install Surfer 12 on your computer.
  9. You will be prompted to enter your serial number, which is included in your email confirmation.
  10. Launch Surfer 12 and start using it!

You can also watch this video tutorial on how to download and install Surfer 12:

How to Use Golden Software Surfer 12

Surfer 12 has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to use. You can create maps and graphs from your data in just a few clicks. Here are some of the basic steps to use Surfer 12: