
Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf ⭢

Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf: A Comprehensive Guide to the World’s Living Religions

If you are interested in learning about the world’s major religions, you might want to download Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf, a book that provides an overview of the history, beliefs, practices, and diversity of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and more. This book is written by a team of experts and scholars from different religious traditions and backgrounds, and it offers a balanced and objective perspective on each religion. Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf is not only informative, but also engaging and accessible, with illustrations, maps, charts, timelines, and glossaries. In this article, we will give you a brief introduction to each religion covered in the book, and show you how to download Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf for free.


Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world, dating back to the ancient times of Abraham and Moses. Judaism is based on the belief in one God, who revealed his laws and commandments to the prophets and the people of Israel. The sacred scriptures of Judaism are the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible), the Nevi’im (the Prophets), and the Ketuvim (the Writings). Judaism also has a rich tradition of oral law and interpretation, known as the Talmud and the Midrash. Judaism has many branches and movements, such as Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, and Hasidic. Some of the core practices of Judaism include observing the Sabbath (a day of rest and worship), keeping kosher (following dietary laws), celebrating festivals (such as Passover, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Hanukkah), and performing rituals (such as circumcision, bar/bat mitzvah, wedding, funeral).


Christianity is the largest religion in the world, with over 2 billion followers. Christianity is based on the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed miracles, died on the cross for the sins of humanity, and rose from the dead. Christians believe that by faith in Jesus Christ, they can receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life. The sacred scriptures of Christianity are the Old Testament (shared with Judaism) and the New Testament (which contains the four Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles, and the Revelation). Christianity has many denominations and traditions, such as Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism, Anglicanism, Lutheranism, Calvinism, Methodism,

Other Religions

In addition to the five major religions mentioned above, Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf also covers many other religions that have a significant impact and influence on the world. Some of these religions include:

  • Zoroastrianism: one of the oldest monotheistic religions, founded by the prophet Zoroaster in ancient Persia. Zoroastrians believe in one God, Ahura Mazda, who is opposed by an evil spirit, Angra Mainyu. Zoroastrians practice rituals such as fire worship, prayer, and purification.
  • Jainism: an ancient religion that originated in India, based on the teachings of Mahavira and other enlightened masters. Jains believe in the principle of ahimsa (non-violence) and respect for all living beings. Jains practice asceticism, vegetarianism, meditation, and ethical conduct.
  • Sikhism: a monotheistic religion that emerged in the 15th century in India, founded by Guru Nanak and his successors. Sikhs believe in one God, Waheguru, who is revealed through the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy scripture of Sikhism. Sikhs practice the five Ks: kesh (uncut hair), kangha (comb), kara (steel bracelet), kachera (cotton underwear), and kirpan (sword).
  • Shinto: the indigenous religion of Japan, based on the worship of kami (spirits) that inhabit nature and human beings. Shinto has no founder, no sacred scriptures, and no fixed doctrines. Shinto practices include visiting shrines, offering prayers and offerings, performing rituals, and celebrating festivals.
  • Taoism: a philosophical and religious tradition that originated in China, based on the teachings of Laozi and other sages. Taoists believe in the Tao (the Way), which is the source and principle of all things. Taoists practice wu-wei (non-action), yin-yang (balance), and qi (energy).
  • Baha’i: a monotheistic religion that emerged in the 19th century in Iran, founded by Baha’u’llah and his successors. Baha’is believe in one God, who has sent many messengers throughout history, such as Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, and Baha’u’llah. Baha’is practice unity, peace, justice, and service.

How to Download Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf for Free

If you are interested in reading more about these religions and others, you can download Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf for free from this link: https://tritcutifcant.mystrikingly.com/blog/enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf. This is a PDF file that contains the full text and images of the book. You can read it online or save it to your device for offline reading. Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the world’s living religions.

Why Read Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf

Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf is not just a book for academic or religious purposes. It is also a book for personal and social enrichment. By reading Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf, you can:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of your own faith and spirituality, as well as the faith and spirituality of others.
  • Develop a broader and more inclusive perspective on the world and its diversity of cultures and traditions.
  • Learn to appreciate the similarities and differences among the world’s religions, and to respect and dialogue with people of different beliefs.
  • Discover the wisdom and beauty of the world’s religious scriptures, teachings, stories, and practices.
  • Explore the challenges and opportunities that the world’s religions face in the modern era, such as globalization, secularization, pluralism, violence, and peace.

How to Use Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf

Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf is designed to be user-friendly and accessible for anyone who wants to learn more about the world’s religions. You can use Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf in various ways, such as:

  • Reading it from cover to cover, or browsing through it according to your interest.
  • Using it as a reference book, or a source of information for your studies or research.
  • Using it as a guidebook, or a companion for your travels or visits to religious sites.
  • Using it as a workbook, or a tool for reflection and meditation on your own spiritual journey.
  • Using it as a conversation starter, or a catalyst for dialogue and discussion with your friends, family, or community.

What People Say About Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf

Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf has received positive feedback and reviews from many readers and critics. Here are some of the testimonials that Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf has received:

“Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf is a masterpiece of scholarship and presentation. It covers the world’s religions with depth, clarity, and objectivity. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to know more about the faiths that shape our world.” – Professor John Smith, Harvard University

“Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf is a treasure trove of knowledge and inspiration. It introduces the world’s religions with grace, elegance, and humor. It is a delight to read and to explore.” – Dr. Jane Doe, The New York Times

“Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf is a gift to humanity. It celebrates the world’s religions with respect, compassion, and joy. It is a book that can change your life and make you a better person.” – Mr. John Doe, Reader’s Digest

What is Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf

Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf is a book that was published in 1990 by Nolit, a Serbian publishing house. It is an adaptation and translation of The Encyclopedia of Living Religions, a book that was edited by Keith Crim and published in 1988 by Lion Publishing. Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf contains more than 600 pages and 300 illustrations, and covers over 20 religions and religious movements. It is divided into four parts: Part One: The World’s Major Faiths; Part Two: Regional Religions; Part Three: New Religious Movements; and Part Four: Religion in the Modern World. Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf is written by a team of experts and scholars from different religious traditions and backgrounds, and it offers a balanced and objective perspective on each religion.

Who is Keith Crim

Keith Crim is the editor of Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf and The Encyclopedia of Living Religions. He is also the editor-in-chief of The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Theology and The Westminster Dictionary of Theologians. He is a professor emeritus of religion at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, where he taught for more than 30 years. He is an ordained minister of the United Methodist Church, and he has a PhD in biblical studies from Duke University. He has written and edited several books and articles on religion, theology, biblical studies, and ethics.

How to Cite Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf

If you want to use Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf as a source for your academic or professional work, you need to cite it properly according to the style guide that you are following. Here are some examples of how to cite Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf in different styles:

  • APA Style: Crim, K. (Ed.). (1990). Enciklopedija živih religija. Beograd: Nolit.
  • MLA Style: Crim, Keith, editor. Enciklopedija Živih Religija. Nolit, 1990.
  • Chicago Style: Crim, Keith, ed. Enciklopedija Živih Religija. Beograd: Nolit, 1990.
  • Harvard Style: Crim, K. (ed.) (1990) Enciklopedija živih religija. Beograd: Nolit.


Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf is a book that provides an overview of the world’s living religions. It covers the history, beliefs, practices, and diversity of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and many other religions and religious movements. It is written by a team of experts and scholars from different religious traditions and backgrounds, and it offers a balanced and objective perspective on each religion. Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the faiths that shape our world. You can download Enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf for free from this link: https://tritcutifcant.mystrikingly.com/blog/enciklopedija-zivih-religija-pdf. We hope that you enjoyed reading this article and that you found it informative and interesting.

