download fps chess apk

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Download FPS Chess APK: A New Way to Play Chess with Guns

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you combined chess and first-person shooters? Well, wonder no more, because FPS Chess is here to answer that question. FPS Chess is a game that lets you battle a friend in a fast-paced 1v1 class-based shooter, where each piece has its own unique weapons and abilities. You can download FPS Chess APK for free and enjoy this innovative and fun game on your Android device. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about FPS Chess, how to download it, how to play it, and why you should play it.

What is FPS Chess?

FPS Chess is a game that mixes chess and first-person shooters in a creative and exciting way. It was developed as a student project at DigiPen Institute of Technology and was created for educational purposes only. It is available for free on Steam, where it has received very positive reviews from thousands of players. Here are some of the features of FPS Chess:

A fast-paced 1v1 shooter based on chess

In FPS Chess, you play as one of the six chess pieces: pawn, rook, knight, bishop, queen, or king. Each piece has its own weapons and abilities that correspond to its chess role. For example, the rook has a sniper rifle that can shoot across the board, the knight has a shotgun that can jump over obstacles, and the king has a sword that can kill any piece in one hit. You can also capture the opponent’s pieces by killing them in a duel. The goal is to capture the enemy king and win the game.

A student project from DigiPen Institute of Technology

FPS Chess was developed by three students from DigiPen Institute of Technology as part of their GAM 450 course. The team members are Hadi Alhussieni (gameplay/audio/character art), Yi Qian (tools/UI), and Chau Nguyen (graphics/environment art). They used Unreal Engine 4 to create the game and spent about nine months working on it. They also received feedback and guidance from their instructors and peers at DigiPen.

A free game available on Steam

FPS Chess was released on Steam on July 16, 2022. It is free to play and does not require any purchase or subscription. You can download it from Steam by clicking here. You can also check out the game’s trailer, screenshots, reviews, updates, and more on its Steam page.

How to download FPS Chess APK?

If you want to play FPS Chess on your Android device, you have two options: the official way and the unofficial way. Here are the pros and cons of each option:

The official way: get it from Steam

The official way to download FPS Chess APK is to get it from Steam. This is the safest and most reliable way to get the game, as you will get the latest version of the game with no viruses or malware. You will also be able to access the game’s updates, bug fixes, features, and community support. However, this option requires antivirus or security app before installing it. – You need to launch the FPS Chess game on your Android device. You can do this by following the same steps as in the official way.

The risks and benefits of downloading FPS Chess APK

As you can see, downloading FPS Chess APK has its advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the risks and benefits of each option: – The official way: The main benefit of this option is that you will get a safe, reliable, and updated version of the game that works well on your device. You will also be able to enjoy the game’s features, updates, and community support. The main risk of this option is that it may take some time and effort to download and install the game, as you need to have Steam on your PC and a USB cable to connect your device. – The unofficial way: The main benefit of this option is that you will get a quick and easy way to download and install the game, as you only need to find a website that offers the APK file and download it directly to your device. The main risk of this option is that you may get a faulty, outdated, or malicious version of the game that does not work well or at all on your device. You may also face legal or ethical issues for violating the game’s terms of service or intellectual property rights.

How to play FPS Chess?

Now that you have downloaded FPS Chess APK, you may be wondering how to play it. FPS Chess is a simple yet challenging game that requires both chess and FPS skills. Here are some of the basics of how to play FPS Chess:

The basic rules and objectives of FPS Chess

The basic rules and objectives of FPS Chess are similar to those of chess, with some modifications: – You play on an 8×8 board with 16 pieces on each side: 8 pawns, 2 rooks, 2 knights, 2 bishops, 1 queen, and 1 king. – You can move one piece per turn, according to its chess rules. For example, pawns can move one or two squares forward on their first move, rooks can move horizontally or vertically any number of squares, knights can move in an L-shape, bishops can move diagonally any number of squares, queens can move in any direction any number of squares, and kings can move one square in any direction. – You can capture an enemy piece by moving your piece to its square. However, instead of automatically capturing it, you will enter a duel mode where you have to shoot and kill the enemy piece with your weapons and abilities. – You can also check or checkmate the enemy king by threatening to capture it. However, instead of ending the game immediately, you will enter a duel mode where you have to kill the enemy king with your weapons and abilities. – The game ends when one player captures or kills the enemy king, or when one player runs out of time. Each player has a limited amount of time to make their moves and duels.

The six unique piece toolkits and their weapons and abilities

Each piece in FPS Chess has its own weapons and abilities that correspond to its chess role. Here are the six unique piece toolkits and their weapons and abilities: – Pawn: The pawn is the weakest piece in chess, but it can become powerful if it reaches the end of the board. In FPS Chess, the pawn has a pistol as its primary weapon and a knife as its secondary weapon. It also has two abilities: Promotion and En Passant. Promotion allows the pawn to transform into any other piece (except king) when it reaches the end of the board. En Passant allows the pawn to capture an enemy pawn that moved two squares forward on its first move by moving behind it. – Rook: The rook is a powerful piece in chess that can move across the board horizontally or vertically. In FPS Chess, the rook has a sniper rifle as its primary weapon and a grenade as its secondary weapon. It also has two abilities: Castle and Wall Breaker. Castle allows the rook to swap places with the king if neither of them has moved before and there are no pieces between them. Wall Breaker allows the rook to shoot through walls and obstacles with its sniper rifle. – Knight: The knight is a tricky piece in chess that can jump over other pieces and move in an L-shape. In FPS Chess, the knight has a shotgun as its primary weapon and a shield as its secondary weapon. It also has two abilities: Jump and Charge. Jump allows the knight to leap over obstacles and enemies with its shotgun. Charge allows the knight to dash forward with its shield and knock back enemies.

– Bishop: The bishop is a swift piece in chess that can move across the board diagonally. In FPS Chess, the bishop has a submachine gun as its primary weapon and a smoke grenade as its secondary weapon. It also has two abilities: Teleport and Heal. Teleport allows the bishop to instantly move to any empty square on the same diagonal line. Heal allows the bishop to heal itself or an ally piece by shooting them with its submachine gun. – Queen: The queen is the most powerful piece in chess that can move in any direction any number of squares. In FPS Chess, the queen has a rocket launcher as its primary weapon and a laser as its secondary weapon. It also has two abilities: Swap and Blast. Swap allows the queen to exchange places with any other piece on the board. Blast allows the queen to fire a powerful explosion that damages all enemies in a radius. – King: The king is the most important piece in chess that can move one square in any direction. In FPS Chess, the king has a sword as its primary weapon and a shield as its secondary weapon. It also has two abilities: Checkmate and Revive. Checkmate allows the king to kill any enemy piece in one hit with its sword, but only if it is in check. Revive allows the king to resurrect a dead ally piece by standing next to it.

The online, LAN, and local split-screen multiplayer modes

FPS Chess is a multiplayer game that can be played online, LAN, or local split-screen. You can choose from three modes: – Online: You can play online with other players from around the world. You can join or create a lobby and invite your friends or random players. You can also chat with other players and customize your game settings such as time limit, board size, piece selection, and map selection. – LAN: You can play LAN with other players on the same network. You can join or create a lobby and invite your friends or random players. You can also chat with other players and customize your game settings as in online mode. – Local split-screen: You can play local split-screen with another player on the same device. You can use a keyboard and mouse or a controller to control your pieces. You can also customize your game settings as in online mode.

The custom board editor and the fun room to explore

FPS Chess also has a custom board editor and a fun room to explore. You can use these features to create your own maps and have fun with different objects and physics. – Custom board editor: You can use the custom board editor to design your own boards for FPS Chess. You can choose from different themes, textures, colors, shapes, and sizes for your board. You can also add obstacles, traps, decorations, and effects to your board. You can save your board and share it with other players online or play it yourself. – Fun room: You can use the fun room to experiment with different objects and physics in FPS Chess. You can spawn various items such as balls, boxes, barrels, ramps, springs, fans, magnets, rockets, lasers, and more. You can also interact with them using your weapons and abilities. You can have fun with gravity, friction, collision, explosion, and more.

Why should you play FPS Chess?

FPS Chess is a game that offers a lot of fun and challenge for both chess and FPS fans. Here are some of the reasons why you should play FPS Chess:

The fun and challenge of combining chess and FPS skills

FPS Chess is a game that tests both your chess and FPS skills in a unique way. You have to think strategically and tactically about your moves and duels, as well as aim accurately and react quickly with your weapons and abilities. You have to balance offense and defense, as well as risk and reward. You have to adapt to different situations and scenarios, as well as different piece combinations and maps.

The variety and replayability of different piece combinations and maps

FPS Chess is a game that offers a lot of variety and replayability for different piece combinations and maps. You can choose from six different pieces with their own weapons and abilities, as well as mix and match them to create your own team. You can also choose from different maps with different themes, sizes, layouts, obstacles, traps, decorations, and effects. You can also create your own maps with the custom board editor.

The community and support of FPS Chess players and developers

FPS Chess is a game that has a friendly and supportive community of players and developers. You can play online with other players from around the world, chat with them, invite them to your lobby, or join their lobby. You can also share your feedback, suggestions, bug reports, or compliments with the developers on their Steam page or Discord server. The developers are very responsive and active and update the game regularly with new features, bug fixes, and improvements.


FPS Chess is a game that combines chess and first-person shooters in a fun and innovative way. You can download FPS Chess APK for free and play it on your Android device. You can choose from six different pieces with their own weapons and abilities, as well as different maps and modes. You can also create your own maps with the custom board editor and have fun with the fun room. FPS Chess is a game that challenges both your chess and FPS skills, as well as offers a lot of variety and replayability. FPS Chess is also a game that has a friendly and supportive community of players and developers. If you are looking for a new way to play chess with guns, you should definitely try FPS Chess.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about FPS Chess:

Q: Is FPS Chess free?

A: Yes, FPS Chess is free to play and does not require any purchase or subscription. You can download it from Steam or from third-party websites.

Q: Is FPS Chess safe?

A: FPS Chess is safe to play if you download it from Steam, as it is verified and approved by the developers and publishers. However, if you download it from third-party websites, you may encounter some risks such as viruses, malware, or legal issues.

Q: Is FPS Chess compatible with my device?

A: FPS Chess is compatible with most Android devices that have at least 4 GB of RAM and Android 7.0 or higher. However, some devices may experience performance issues or crashes due to hardware limitations or software conflicts.

Q: How can I contact the developers of FPS Chess?

A: You can contact the developers of FPS Chess by visiting their Steam page or Discord server. You can also email them at

Q: How can I support the developers of FPS Chess?

A: You can support the developers of FPS Chess by playing their game, leaving a positive review, sharing it with your friends, giving feedback, suggestions, bug reports, or compliments, or donating to their Patreon page.
