download ever green

Download Ever Green 🤙

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What is Ever Green and Why You Should Download It

If you are a school student or an educator who wants to learn, read, and discover new things with just a single tap, then you should download Ever Green. Ever Green is an Android-based learning tool designed by Evergreen Publications India Ltd., a pioneer in education-ware development with over 80 years of experience in the education industry.

Ever Green works best with Evergreen Publications’ schooling material, providing access to the whole dedicated set of books for each class. The app is equipped with exclusive multimedia videos and interactive animations that help you better understand concepts. It also comes with 24*7 chat support and a dedicated “ask the expert” section where you can get answers to your queries from qualified professionals.

Ever Green also offers an adaptive learning approach that tailors the content according to your needs and preferences. You can track your progress and performance with detailed analysis and feedback, as well as take automated mock tests to prepare for exams. Moreover, you can make learning fun and rewarding with gamified activities and challenges that earn you points, badges, and certificates.

In this article, we will show you how to download Ever Green for Android, how to use it for learning, how to get help and support from it, how to track your progress and performance with it, and how to make learning fun and rewarding with it.

How to Download Ever Green for Android

Downloading Ever Green for Android is easy and fast. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the Google Play Store and search for Ever Green (Beta).
  2. Tap on the Install button and wait for the app to download.
  3. Open the app and sign up with your email or phone number.

Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded Ever Green for Android.

How to Use Ever Green for Learning

Using Ever Green for learning is convenient and enjoyable. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Select your class and subject from the menu.
  2. Browse through the available books and tap on the one you want to read.
  3. Enjoy the interactive videos, animations, and quizzes that enhance your learning experience.

You can also bookmark pages, highlight text, take notes , and share your feedback on the app.

You can also access other features of the app, such as chat support, ask the expert, mock tests, and gamified activities from the menu.

How to Get Help and Support from Ever Green

Getting help and support from Ever Green is quick and easy. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Tap on the chat icon at the bottom right corner of the app.
  2. Choose between chat support or ask the expert option.
  3. Type your question or problem and get a prompt response from the Ever Green team.

You can also check the FAQ section of the app for common queries and solutions.

How to Track Your Progress and Performance with Ever Green

Tracking your progress and performance with Ever Green is smart and effective. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Tap on the profile icon at the top left corner of the app.
  2. View your personal dashboard that shows your learning history, achievements, and recommendations.
  3. Take mock tests and get detailed feedback and analysis of your strengths and weaknesses.

You can also compare your scores with other users and see where you stand in the leaderboard.

How to Make Learning Fun and Rewarding with Ever Green

Making learning fun and rewarding with Ever Green is exciting and motivating. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Participate in gamified activities and challenges that test your knowledge and skills.
  2. Earn points, badges, and certificates for completing tasks and goals.
  3. Share your achievements with your friends and teachers on social media.

You can also join online communities and forums where you can interact with other learners and experts.


Ever Green is a revolutionary learning tool that can transform your education experience. It provides you with access to high-quality books, interactive videos, animations, quizzes, chat support, ask the expert, mock tests, gamified activities, and more. It also helps you track your progress and performance, as well as make learning fun and rewarding. Whether you are a student or an educator, you can benefit from Ever Green’s features and functions. So what are you waiting for? Download Ever Green today and discover a new way of learning!


  • What is Ever Green?
    Ever Green is an Android-based learning tool designed by Evergreen Publications India Ltd., a pioneer in education-ware development with over 80 years of experience in the education industry.
  • How can I download Ever Green?
    You can download Ever Green from the Google Play Store by searching for Ever Green (Beta) and tapping on the Install button.
  • How can I use Ever Green for learning?
    You can use Ever Green for learning by selecting your class and subject from the menu, browsing through the available books, and enjoying the interactive videos, animations, and quizzes that enhance your learning experience.
  • How can I get help and support from Ever Green?
    You can get help and support from Ever Green by tapping on the chat icon at the bottom right corner of the app, choosing between chat support or ask the expert option, and typing your question or problem.
  • How can I make learning fun and rewarding with Ever Green?
    You can make learning fun and rewarding with Ever Green by participating in gamified activities and challenges that test your knowledge and skills, earning points, badges, and certificates for completing tasks and goals, and sharing your achievements with your friends and teachers on social media.
