data4 cab max payne 3

Data4 Cab Max Payne 3 High Quality ⏵

How to Fix Data4 Cab Error in Max Payne 3: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you are a fan of Max Payne 3, you might have encountered a frustrating error while installing the game from the disc. The error message says that the data4 cab file is corrupt or missing, and prevents you from completing the installation. This error is caused by a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) failure, which means that the data on the disc is damaged or unreadable. Fortunately, there are some possible solutions to fix this error and enjoy the game. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Clean the disc

The first thing you should do is to check the condition of the disc and make sure it is clean and free of scratches. Use a soft cloth and gently wipe the disc from the center to the edge. Do not use any abrasive or solvent-based cleaners, as they might damage the disc further. If the disc is severely scratched, you might need to replace it with a new one.

Step 2: Copy the disc contents to your hard drive

If cleaning the disc does not work, you can try to copy the contents of the disc to your hard drive and install the game from there. This might bypass the CRC error and allow you to install the game successfully. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Insert the disc into your DVD drive and open My Computer.
  • Right-click on the DVD drive icon and select Open.
  • Select all the files and folders on the disc and copy them to a new folder on your hard drive.
  • Eject the disc and insert the next one. Repeat the process until you have copied all four discs.
  • Run the setup.exe file from the folder on your hard drive and follow the installation instructions.

Step 3: Download data4 cab file from a reliable source

If copying the disc contents does not work either, you can try to download data4 cab file from a reliable source online and replace it with the corrupt or missing one on your hard drive. This might fix the CRC error and allow you to install the game successfully. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Go to a reputable website that offers data4 cab file for Max Payne 3, such as
  • Download data4 cab file and save it to your hard drive.
  • Navigate to the folder where you copied the disc contents in step 2.
  • Find data4 cab file and delete it.
  • Paste data4 cab file that you downloaded in its place.
  • Run setup.exe file from the folder on your hard drive and follow the installation instructions.

Step 4: Contact Rockstar Games support

If none of the above solutions work for you, you might need to contact Rockstar Games support and ask for their assistance. They might be able to provide you with a replacement disc or a digital download of the game. You can contact them through their website:


Data4 cab error in Max Payne 3 is a common issue that many players face while installing the game from the disc. This error is caused by a cyclic redundancy check failure, which means that the data on the disc is damaged or unreadable. However, this error can be fixed by following some simple steps, such as cleaning the disc, copying the disc contents to your hard drive, downloading data4 cab file from a reliable source, or contacting Rockstar Games support. By following these steps, you should be able to install the game successfully and enjoy the thrilling action and story of Max Payne 3.


Data4 cab error in Max Payne 3 is a common issue that many players face while installing the game from the disc. This error is caused by a cyclic redundancy check failure, which means that the data on the disc is damaged or unreadable. However, this error can be fixed by following some simple steps, such as cleaning the disc, copying the disc contents to your hard drive, downloading data4 cab file from a reliable source, or contacting Rockstar Games support. By following these steps, you should be able to install the game successfully and enjoy the thrilling action and story of Max Payne 3.[1]%20[3]
