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Comentario Bíblico Histórico Alfred Edersheim PDF: A Comprehensive Guide to the Historical and Cultural Context of the Bible

If you are looking for a reliable and insightful commentary on the Bible that takes into account the historical and cultural background of the biblical world, you should consider reading the Comentario Bíblico Histórico Alfred Edersheim PDF. This is a Spanish translation of two classic works by Alfred Edersheim, a Jewish scholar and Christian convert who lived in the 19th century.

Edersheim was widely recognized and appreciated for his ability to analyze and explain the Jewish customs and practices that form the historical context of the Old Testament and New Testament. His two main works, which have been reprinted in English until today, are: Old Testament Bible History, which examines the historical setting of the biblical text of the OT from creation to the Babylonian captivity; and The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, which presents with rich detail the situation of the Jewish world in the first century in relation to the events narrated in the gospels. Together, they form an erudite exegetical tool that has not been matched to date for the study of the Bible.

Edersheim’s deep scholarship and the depth with which he treats each topic, place him among the evangelical Christian literature of the highest intellectual level. He constantly quotes rabbinic writings in Hebrew, indicating their exact source, even the line quoted. Loose facts and details of human behavior that at first glance seem incomprehensible, take on logic and meaning in his pages, in light of the historical context. Genealogies acquire under Edersheim’s pen a meaning and value that we would never have imagined. His historical and cultural clarifications make the puzzle between the Old and New Testament fit together, in a masterful assembly, that shows God’s plan for man acting as Sovereign of the universe and Lord of history.

The present volume contains the complete text of both works, arranged in a biblical commentary format, with complete headings indicating the topic, books, chapters and verses commented on each page, which allows a quick location of the passage or biblical text on which we want historical information. In addition, it is enriched with hundreds of archaeological photographs, which are related to the facts commented on in order to illustrate them graphically. It includes nineteen extensive appendices that deal with other topics and customs of the time, not directly cited in the biblical text, but that the author considers important to include for a better understanding of the events narrated in it. It is completed with a general analytical index and an index of authors cited in the work.

So, why should you read the Comentario Bíblico Histórico Alfred Edersheim PDF? Here are some reasons:

  • It will help you understand the Bible better by providing you with the historical and cultural context of the biblical events and teachings.
  • It will enrich your faith by showing you how God has been working in history to fulfill his purposes and promises.
  • It will challenge you to apply the biblical principles and lessons to your own life and situation.
  • It will inspire you to appreciate the beauty and diversity of God’s creation and his people.

The Comentario Bíblico Histórico Alfred Edersheim PDF is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to study the Bible in depth and with insight. It is not a dry or boring commentary, but a lively and engaging one that will captivate your interest and curiosity. It is not a superficial or biased commentary, but a thorough and objective one that will respect your intelligence and integrity. It is not a dated or irrelevant commentary, but a timeless and applicable one that will speak to your needs and aspirations.

One of the remarkable features of the Comentario Bíblico Histórico Alfred Edersheim PDF is the use of various sources to support and illustrate the commentary. Edersheim was not only familiar with the biblical text, but also with the writings of other ancient authors, such as Josephus, Philo, Tacitus, Pliny, and others. He also consulted the works of modern scholars and historians, such as Ewald, Lightfoot, Meyer, Neander, and others. He was especially well-versed in the rabbinic literature, such as the Mishnah, the Talmud, the Midrashim, and other Jewish traditions and legends. He often quoted these sources in Hebrew, providing their exact reference and location.

Edersheim’s use of sources was not merely for academic purposes, but for practical and spiritual ones. He wanted to show how the Bible was connected to the history and culture of its time, and how it was relevant and applicable to the present. He wanted to demonstrate how the Bible was consistent and coherent in its message and doctrine, and how it was superior and authoritative in its revelation and morality. He wanted to reveal how the Bible was full of wisdom and wonder, and how it was inspiring and transforming in its power and grace.

Another aspect that makes the Comentario Bíblico Histórico Alfred Edersheim PDF enjoyable and edifying to read is the style of the author. Edersheim was not only a scholar, but also a storyteller. He had a gift for writing in a clear and captivating way, using vivid and colorful language, rich and varied illustrations, and lively and engaging anecdotes. He had a passion for writing in a faithful and fervent way, using warm and personal tone, sincere and humble attitude, and earnest and heartfelt appeal. He had a vision for writing in a purposeful and relevant way, using practical and useful applications, challenging and inspiring lessons, and hopeful and encouraging messages.

Edersheim’s style reflects his personality and his faith. He was a man who loved God and his word, who loved his people and his heritage, who loved his readers and his mission. He was a man who experienced God’s grace and mercy, who witnessed God’s power and glory, who shared God’s truth and love. He was a man who wanted to honor God with his life and his work, who wanted to serve God with his gifts and his talents, who wanted to glorify God with his words and his deeds.

The Comentario Bíblico Histórico Alfred Edersheim PDF is not only a valuable resource for biblical study, but also a powerful testimony of God’s work in history and in people’s lives. Edersheim himself was a living example of God’s grace and providence. He was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1825, into a Jewish family of culture and wealth. He received a classical education and was trained in the rabbinic tradition. He was expected to become a rabbi and a leader of his community.

However, God had other plans for him. Through a series of events and encounters, Edersheim became interested in Christianity and eventually converted to the faith. He was baptized in 1845, at the age of 20, by a Scottish Presbyterian minister. He then moved to Scotland, where he studied theology and became a minister himself. He served in various churches and missions, reaching out to both Jews and Gentiles with the gospel. He also became a prolific writer and lecturer, producing many books and articles on biblical and Jewish topics.

Edersheim faced many challenges and difficulties in his life and ministry. He suffered from poor health, financial troubles, family losses, and personal attacks. He also faced opposition and rejection from his own people, who considered him a traitor and an apostate. He endured many trials and tribulations for the sake of Christ and his kingdom. But he also experienced many joys and blessings in his life and ministry. He enjoyed the support and friendship of many fellow Christians, who admired and respected him. He also witnessed the fruit and impact of his work, which influenced and helped many people around the world.

Edersheim died in 1889, at the age of 64, leaving behind a rich and lasting legacy. His works have been translated into many languages and have been widely read and appreciated by Christians of different denominations and backgrounds. His works have been praised for their accuracy and depth, their clarity and beauty, their faithfulness and devotion. His works have been used as references and resources by scholars and students, pastors and teachers, missionaries and evangelists, believers and seekers. His works have been a source of knowledge and wisdom, of inspiration and edification, of challenge and encouragement.

The Comentario Bíblico Histórico Alfred Edersheim PDF is a treasure that you should not miss. It will enrich your mind and your heart, your understanding and your faith, your study and your life. It will help you to see the Bible in a new light, to appreciate its historical and cultural context, to apply its timeless and relevant message. It will help you to know God better, to love him more, to serve him faithfully. It will help you to become a better disciple of Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of God.


In conclusion, the Comentario Bíblico Histórico Alfred Edersheim PDF is a remarkable and valuable commentary on the Bible that you should read and enjoy. It is a commentary that combines historical and cultural insight, scholarly and spiritual depth, and practical and relevant application. It is a commentary that reflects the life and work of Alfred Edersheim, a Jewish scholar and Christian convert who devoted his talents and gifts to the service of God and his word. It is a commentary that will help you to grow in your knowledge and love of God, his word, and his people.

If you want to download and read the Comentario Bíblico Histórico Alfred Edersheim PDF for free, you can visit the following link: You will find the PDF file in various formats, such as EPUB, MOBI, and PDF. You can also find other books by Alfred Edersheim and other biblical commentaries on the same website. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. Thank you for reading.
