adventureworks download 2019

Adventureworks Download 2019 💽


How to Download and Install AdventureWorks Database in SQL Server 2019

AdventureWorks is a sample database that showcases database design using current features, tools, and design techniques in SQL Server. It is one of the most popular and widely used sample databases for learning and testing SQL Server development and business intelligence solutions. In this article, you will learn how to download, install, and use AdventureWorks sample databases in SQL Server 2019.

What is AdventureWorks and why it is useful

AdventureWorks is a fictitious company that sells bicycles and bicycle accessories. The AdventureWorks database contains data about its products, sales, customers, employees, vendors, and other aspects of its business operations. The database is designed to demonstrate best practices for data modeling, data integrity, performance optimization, security, and scalability in SQL Server.

AdventureWorks sample databases are useful for various purposes, such as:

  • Learning SQL Server features and capabilities
  • Practicing SQL queries and commands
  • Developing and testing applications that use SQL Server as a backend
  • Creating and deploying business intelligence solutions using SQL Server Analysis Services, Reporting Services, Integration Services, and Power BI
  • Exploring real-world scenarios and use cases for SQL Server solutions

What are the different versions and types of AdventureWorks databases

There are different versions and types of AdventureWorks sample databases available for download from Microsoft. The versions are based on the SQL Server release year, such as 2019, 2017, 2016, etc. The types are based on the workload scenario, such as OLTP (online transaction processing), DW (data warehouse), or LT (lightweight).

The OLTP type is for most typical online transaction processing workloads. It contains data about the current state of the business operations. The DW type is for data warehousing workloads. It contains historical data that is aggregated and organized for analysis and reporting purposes. The LT type is a lightweight and pared down version of the OLTP type. It contains less data and fewer tables than the OLTP type.

If you are not sure what type of AdventureWorks database you need, you can start with the OLTP type that matches your SQL Server version. For example, if you have SQL Server 2019 installed on your machine, you can download the AdventureWorks2019.bak file from Microsoft.

What are the prerequisites for downloading and installing AdventureWorks

To download and install AdventureWorks sample databases on your machine, you will need the following:

  • An instance of SQL Server or Azure SQL Database
  • A tool to restore the .bak files to your SQL Server instance, such as SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), Transact-SQL (T-SQL), or Azure Data Studio
  • A web browser to access the download links for the .bak files
  • Enough disk space to store the .bak files and the restored databases
  • Optionally, Full Text Search feature installed on your SQL Server instance if you want to use the full-text search capabilities of AdventureWorks

How to download AdventureWorks sample databases

To download AdventureWorks sample databases, you can visit the following link from Microsoft:

This link provides the download links for the .bak files for different versions and types of AdventureWorks databases. You can choose the one that suits your needs and click on it to start the download. The .bak files are compressed using zip format, so you will need to unzip them before restoring them to your SQL Server instance.

Alternatively, you can also use the following link from GitHub to download the .bak files:

This link provides the same .bak files as the Microsoft link, but in a different format. You can browse through the releases and find the one that matches your SQL Server version and type of AdventureWorks database. You can then click on the Assets section and download the .bak file directly without unzipping it.

How to restore AdventureWorks sample databases to SQL Server

Once you have downloaded the .bak file for your desired AdventureWorks database, you can restore it to your SQL Server instance using one of the following methods:

How to use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to restore the .bak files

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is a graphical user interface tool that allows you to manage and administer SQL Server instances and databases. You can use SSMS to restore the .bak files to your SQL Server instance by following these steps:

  1. Open SSMS and connect to your SQL Server instance
  2. Right-click on the Databases node in the Object Explorer and select Restore Database…
  3. In the Restore Database dialog box, select Device as the source and click on the browse button (…) next to it
  4. In the Select backup devices dialog box, select File as the backup media type and click on Add
  5. In the Locate Backup File dialog box, browse to the folder where you saved the .bak file and select it. Click OK to close this dialog box.
  6. Click OK again to close the Select backup devices dialog box. You should see the name of the .bak file in the Device field.
  7. In the Restore Database dialog box, select To database as the destination and enter a name for your restored database. You can use the same name as the original database or a different one.
  8. Optionally, you can click on Files in the left pane and change the location of the data and log files for your restored database. By default, they will be stored in the same folder as your SQL Server instance.
  9. Optionally, you can click on Options in the left pane and check or uncheck some options for your restored database, such as Overwrite existing database, Preserve replication settings, Close existing connections, etc.
  10. Click OK to start restoring your database. You should see a progress bar and a message indicating whether the restore operation was successful or not.
  11. Once the restore operation is completed, you should see your restored database under the Databases node in Object Explorer. You can expand it and explore its objects and data.

How to use Transact-SQL (T-SQL) commands to restore the .bak files

Transact-SQL (T-SQL) is a dialect of SQL that is used to interact with SQL Server databases. You can use T-SQL commands to restore the .bak files to your SQL Server instance by following these steps:

  1. Open SSMS and connect to your SQL Server instance
  2. Open a new query window and type the following T-SQL command:
  3. RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = 'C:\path\to\your\bak\file.bak' 
  4. Replace the path and the file name with the actual location and name of your .bak file. This command will show you the logical names and physical paths of the data and log files in the .bak file.
  5. Type the following T-SQL command:
  6. RESTORE DATABASE YourDatabaseName FROM DISK = 'C:\path\to\your\bak\file.bak' WITH MOVE 'LogicalNameOfDataFile' TO 'C:\path\to\your\data\file.mdf', MOVE 'LogicalNameOfLogFile' TO 'C:\path\to\your\log\file.ldf' 
  7. Replace YourDatabaseName with the name of your restored database. You can use the same name as the original database or a different one.
  8. Replace the path and the file name with the actual location and name of your .bak file.
  9. Replace LogicalNameOfDataFile and LogicalNameOfLogFile with the logical names of the data and log files that you obtained from the previous command.
  10. Replace the path and the file name with the desired location and name of your data and log files for your restored database. By default, they will be stored in the same folder as your SQL Server instance.
  11. Optionally, you can add some options for your restored database, such as REPLACE, RECOVERY, STATS, etc. For more information on these options, see
  12. Execute the T-SQL command by pressing F5 or clicking on Execute. You should see a message indicating whether the restore operation was successful or not.
  13. Once the restore operation is completed, you should see your restored database under the Databases node in Object Explorer. You can expand it and explore its objects and data.

How to use Azure Data Studio to restore the .bak files

Azure Data Studio is a cross-platform tool that allows you to manage and administer SQL Server instances and databases. You can use Azure Data Studio to restore the .bak files to your SQL Server instance by following these steps:

  1. Open Azure Data Studio and connect to your SQL Server instance
  2. In the left pane, right-click on Databases and select Restore…
  3. In the Restore dialog box, select Backup file as the source type and click on Browse…
  4. In the Open File dialog box, browse to the folder where you saved the .bak file and select it. Click Open to close this dialog box.
  5. In the Restore dialog box, select a database name for your restored database. You can use the same name as the original database or a different one.
  6. Optionally, you can click on Advanced Options in the left pane and change some settings for your restored database, such as data and log file locations, recovery state, backup set selection, etc.
  7. Click on OK to start restoring your database. You should see a progress bar and a message indicating whether the restore operation was successful or not.
  8. Once the restore operation is completed, you should see your restored database under Databases in the left pane. You can right-click on it and select New Query to explore its objects and data.

How to use AdventureWorks sample databases

After you have restored AdventureWorks sample databases to your SQL Server instance, you can use them for various purposes, such as:

How to explore the data and schema of AdventureWorks databases

You can use any tool that can connect to SQL Server databases to explore the data and schema of AdventureWorks databases. For example, you can use SSMS, T-SQL, Azure Data Studio, Visual Studio, or Power BI Desktop. You can view the tables, views, stored procedures, functions, triggers, indexes, constraints, and other objects in the database. You can also view the properties, definitions, dependencies, and permissions of each object. You can query the data in the database using SELECT statements or other commands. You can also modify the data in the database using INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or other commands.

How to run queries and reports on AdventureWorks databases

You can use any tool that can run queries and reports on SQL Server databases to run queries and reports on AdventureWorks databases. For example, you can use SSMS, T-SQL, Azure Data Studio, Visual Studio, or Power BI Desktop. You can write your own queries and reports using SQL or other languages. You can also use the built-in queries and reports that come with AdventureWorks databases. For example, you can use the following queries and reports:

  • AdventureWorks OLTP Database Diagram: This is a graphical representation of the tables and relationships in the AdventureWorks OLTP database. You can access it from SSMS by expanding the Database Diagrams node under your database.
  • AdventureWorks OLTP Reports: These are a set of sample reports that show various aspects of the AdventureWorks OLTP database. You can access them from SSMS by expanding the Reports node under your database and selecting Standard Reports.
  • AdventureWorks DW Database Diagram: This is a graphical representation of the tables and relationships in the AdventureWorks DW database. You can access it from SSMS by expanding the Database Diagrams node under your database.
  • AdventureWorks DW Reports: These are a set of sample reports that show various aspects of the AdventureWorks DW database. You can access them from SSMS by expanding the Reports node under your database and selecting Standard Reports.
  • AdventureWorks Analysis Services Project: This is a sample project that shows how to create a multidimensional data model using SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS). You can access it from Visual Studio by opening the solution file located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\150\Tools\Samples\Adventure Works 2019 Multidimensional Models SQL Server 2019 RTM\Adventure Works.sln.
  • AdventureWorks Power BI Desktop File: This is a sample file that shows how to create a tabular data model and interactive dashboards using Power BI Desktop. You can access it from Power BI Desktop by opening the file located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\150\Tools\Samples\Adventure Works 2019 Tabular Models SQL Server 2019 RTM\Adventure Works.pbix.

How to learn from AdventureWorks databases for SQL Server development and business intelligence solutions

You can use AdventureWorks databases as a learning resource for SQL Server development and business intelligence solutions. You can study how the databases are designed and implemented using current features, tools, and techniques in SQL Server. You can also follow some tutorials and guides that use AdventureWorks databases as examples. For example, you can use the following tutorials and guides:


In this article, you have learned how to download, install, and use AdventureWorks sample databases in SQL Server 2019. You have seen how AdventureWorks sample databases can help you learn and practice SQL Server features and capabilities, run queries and reports on SQL Server data, and develop and deploy SQL Server solutions. You have also seen how to use different tools and methods to restore the .bak files to your SQL Server instance and explore the data and schema of AdventureWorks databases.

AdventureWorks sample databases are a valuable resource for anyone who wants to work with SQL Server databases. They provide realistic and comprehensive data sets that can be used for various purposes. They also demonstrate best practices for database design and implementation in SQL Server. You can use them as a reference, a guide, or a source of inspiration for your own SQL Server projects.

If you want to learn more about AdventureWorks sample databases, you can visit the following resources:


Here are some frequently asked questions about AdventureWorks sample databases:

What is the difference between AdventureWorks and AdventureWorksDW?

AdventureWorks is the OLTP type of sample database that contains data about the current state of the business operations. AdventureWorksDW is the DW type of sample database that contains historical data that is aggregated and organized for analysis and reporting purposes. They have different schemas, tables, views, and data. They are designed for different workload scenarios and use cases.

What is the difference between AdventureWorks and Northwind?

AdventureWorks and Northwind are both sample databases that showcase SQL Server features and capabilities. However, they have different data sets, schemas, and designs. Northwind is an older sample database that was created for SQL Server 2000. It contains data about a fictitious company that sells food products. It has a simpler schema and less data than AdventureWorks. It is designed for basic SQL Server learning and testing purposes. AdventureWorks is a newer sample database that was created for SQL Server 2019. It contains data about a fictitious company that sells bicycles and bicycle accessories. It has a more complex schema and more data than Northwind. It is designed for advanced SQL Server development and business intelligence solutions.

How can I install Full Text Search for AdventureWorks?

Full Text Search is a feature of SQL Server that allows you to perform fast and flexible text searches on character-based data. Some of the AdventureWorks sample databases use Full Text Search to enable queries on product descriptions, reviews, resumes, etc. To install Full Text Search for AdventureWorks, you need to do the following:

  1. Make sure that Full Text Search is installed on your SQL Server instance. You can check this by running the following T-SQL command:
  2. SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('IsFullTextInstalled') 
  3. If the result is 1, then Full Text Search is installed. If the result is 0, then you need to install Full Text Search using the SQL Server Setup program.
  4. Make sure that the Full Text Search service is running on your SQL Server instance. You can check this by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager or the Services app in Windows.
  5. Make sure that the AdventureWorks database that you want to use Full Text Search with has a full-text catalog and full-text indexes. You can check this by using SSMS or T-SQL commands. For more information on how to create and manage full-text catalogs and indexes, see

How can I deploy AdventureWorks sample databases to Azure SQL Database?

Azure SQL Database is a cloud-based database service that provides a scalable and reliable platform for SQL Server solutions. You can deploy AdventureWorks sample databases to Azure SQL Database by following these steps:

  1. Create an Azure SQL Database server and database using the Azure portal, PowerShell, or Azure CLI. For more information on how to do this, see
  2. Download the .bacpac file for your desired AdventureWorks database from Microsoft or GitHub. A .bacpac file is a compressed file that contains the schema and data of a SQL Server database.
  3. Import the .bacpac file to your Azure SQL Database using the Azure portal, PowerShell, or Azure CLI. For more information on how to do this, see
  4. Connect to your Azure SQL Database using SSMS, Azure Data Studio, or any other tool that can connect to SQL Server databases. You should see your imported AdventureWorks database under your Azure SQL Database server.

How can I get the creation scripts for AdventureWorks sample databases?

If you want to get the creation scripts for AdventureWorks sample databases, you can use one of the following methods:

  • You can use SSMS to generate the creation scripts for AdventureWorks databases by right-clicking on the database name in Object Explorer and selecting Tasks > Generate Scripts…
  • You can use T-SQL commands to generate the creation scripts for AdventureWorks databases by using the sp_helptext system stored procedure or the sys.sql_modules system view.
  • You can use Visual Studio to generate the creation scripts for AdventureWorks databases by opening the solution file located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\150\Tools\Samples\Adventure Works 2019 Multidimensional Models SQL Server 2019 RTM\Adventure Works.sln and selecting Build > Build Solution.
  • You can use GitHub to download the creation scripts for AdventureWorks databases by visiting the following link:
