Poison Baby Products
In my experiences in the health and beauty industry, I learned the hard way about poisons in baby products. My wife and I were blessed with a beautiful girl in 1992. I don’t have to tell most of you what a joy it is to become a parent. This is one of the wonders of life here in this incarnation.
In just a few months, my daughter was screaming and was in obvious pain. This pain came from a rash that was in her crotch area. At the time, I had no idea of what was causing the pain.
We were using the high priced baby wipes and diapers of that time. After the doctor told us our daughter had eczema and gave us some white cream that cost about $20 at the time, I started to have my doubts about what the real cause of this problems was. This cream did not clear up the problem. Either the Doctor was blind to not notice the same problem over and over again or the Doctor knew something was up and was just being hush hush about it. I can only postulate on the mindset of a Doctor that would not know there was a problem when this problem at the time, and as I found out later, was of epidemic proportions.
It wasn’t until a year later when I bought my first Apple Performa computer that I realized what the problem was through the wonders of the internet.
Within hours of doing queries on an internet search engine, I knew exactly what the problem was. The problem was Propylene Glycol.
Note: Any Doctor could have done what I did to find the problem with this salmon colored rash that was on most children at that time in the early 90’s. We changed pediatricians several times after I questioned their knowledge on this subject. Usually I got a “Deer in the Headlights” look when I questioned a doctor about this rash. I already knew of the problem and had taken actions to stop it myself. Doctors seemed doltish to this problem and looked at me like I was the one that was daft for even asking them if they knew about propylene glycol in baby products. Thus, I changed doctors as my child grew up until I found one that agreed with me on this one simple issue of Propylene Glycol in baby wipes.
“What is “Propylene Glycol?”
Propylene Glycol or PG, is a petroleum by product that is used prolifically in a majority of products. Tests show that this product is toxic…… a Poison…. but…..because tests show that it did not cause cancer, the FDA allowed its use in a vast number of products at the time and today. There were levels set for each product for the amount of PG allowed in any product.
PG is best known for use as Anti-Freeze and brake fluid. There are two kinds of anti-freeze. There is Ethylene glycol and PG. Those are the only two anti-freeze products available still today.
PG is also used for plane de-icing, engine degreaser, baby wipes, food additive to keep cakes moist, an anti-molding additive for foods, (Example: cakes & pastries at grocery stores & convenience stores), ice cream for texture. Kroger popcicles for whatever purpose (this is a packers label brand), shampoo, conditioner, most lotions and creams, mascara, lipstick, all types of cosmetics etc, KY jelly (Only PG & water mixed to a jell), Parent’s Choice baby products from Walmart, wipes for seniors and hand wipes in general, vitamin & mineral supplements, fog making machines, E-Cigarettes, liquid soaps ( I find that most hospitals use brands high in PG), cookies, muffins, most personal care products, hair growing products like Rogaine…….and the list goes on and on.
It is important to know that some IV solutions have high doses of PG as their base……Why? Shelf Life! These products would ruin if PG was not included in these IV products. The same IV solutions are given to babies and children under the age of three. Even if an adult was given such IV solutions there is a high chance of death……………I have found a few links that explains this a bit.
I personally have a friend that lost most of his eye site by having brake fluid run into his eyes while working on his car. He couldn’t get to the sink to wash his eyes out quick enough before the damage was done. This product he used was PG based brake fluid.
This means that PG is caustic to the eyes of an adult. How many times have you wiped your baby’s face with a baby wipe instead of a soapy wash towel?
This link above suggests that there is no hazard to the public but this is a lie. PG is a known POISON!
The point about babies/infants is that a baby/infant does not have the defense mechanisms to fight the kidney and liver damage from PG usage that a four year old will have. There used to be studies done by the FDA on this subject but it is impossible to get to these studies any longer. The only thing you will find from the FDA site is the mention of PG in E-Cigarette use.
Please believe me, the FDA is not a friend of the public. They have failed time and time again on so many fronts for human and animal safety. Never trust the FDA again. If they lie one time expect that most of the time they lie ……for whatever reason they have for telling lies to the public.
There were studies done on the stomachs of sheep that used PG daily their bellies to see what happened. These same salmon colored bumps came up on the bellies of sheep that were reported on children. That was one study you can’t find any longer.
There is a product called Utter Cream. This is PG based. Even cows started having this problem. And…..I can only suspect that some of this substance of PG leaked into the milk. It would be a small amount but accepted as safe by the FDA.
If your baby is exhibiting salmon colored bumps in the crotch area, especially girls, this is the problem……Propylene Glycol or the new shelf life ingredient used by Pampers or Huggies. So, even the substitute substances that are used by Huggies and Pampers still cause this painful affect on the skin of your small loved ones.
Also, even some of the baby lotions still have PG as the main ingredient next to water…..especially Walmart Parent’s Choice brand. That brand name is an oxymoron as it applies to the health of children and child safety.
So…..Why is it that you have never heard of this before? Well this PG product is big money because it is a by-product of petroleum. If it wasn’t for these industries using people and babies as a toxic dumping ground for this petroleum by-product, there would be a glut of PG on the market and anti-freeze would be 50 cents a gallon. This means that the FDA and the Petroleum industry are in collusion together to poison the public and infants/babies…….and the rest of the public. Most of the hand wipes you use for adults still has PG as a main ingredient. I know this for a fact.
Now the petroleum industry gets top dollar for a by-product that there is a major abundance of.
Effects of Propylene Glycol that causes Death.
First….. you have to understand, the skin is the largest breathing organ on the body. Whatever you put on your skin goes directly into the bloodstream. This means that PG bypasses the oral enzymes in your mouth and the digestive system in the stomach.
By this PG going directly into the bloodstream through ingestion or through the skin, it causes something called acidosis.
I have placed some random links on this page that come up on queries of “Propylene Glycol IV solutions.” It only to me seconds to find data on this problem that may have cause a loved one of yours or even your child/infant to die.
It is essential that you do your homework on this problem if your child is scheduled for some kind of IV solution during an operation or for some other medical problem. BE AWARE! Don’t go blindly thinking that the Doctor knows of this problem. Assume your Doctor is ignorant of this issue and take steps yourself to avoid this poisoning of your infant/baby/child for any operating or illness treatment using an IV. Just know that most or all Doctors do not know about the dangers of IV solutions that have PG in them. This PG is only in these IV solutions for shelf life like baby wipes. There is no other sane reason to put brake fluid or radiator fluid in an IV solution.
What they don’t tell you is that acidosis melts the liver and kidneys when a certain level is achieve in the body fluids. This cause these organs to shut down which brings on death. ….quickly.
I will link you here to where an anti-freeze company admits that PG is a poison.
Low Tox or Low Poison Antifreeze. Tox is synonymous for Toxin. Toxin is another term for Poison. This product should say “Low Poison” antifreeze. It is kind rhetoric to say Low-Tox instead of Low-Poison.
Notice that this bottle says “SAFER”……meaning that the other type of anti-freeze, ethylene glycol is most certainly deadly to animals. While humans have more tolerance EG, that tolerance is minimal if administered in one large dose or many smaller doses over a period of a week or two weeks in the morning OJ for the purpose of killing. This EG is very detectable while PG is still just as deadly, it just takes a little longer to effect the body. Thus, you have this kinder rhetoric on the front of this bottle of Propylene Glycol anti-freeze saying “SAFER!”. This is an oxymoron, there is no such thing as a safer poison or toxin.
So there is no question that the FDA is being intentionally lax when it comes to the issue of Propylene Glycol on unsuspecting citizens of the USA. PG might not cause cancer but it will kill you dead a lot sooner than Cancer.
Another comparison is that the European equivalent to the FDA, the EMEA or “European Medicines Agency”, does not allow Propylene Glycol or Ethylene Glycol in any personal care products or food products for humans or animals.
Protect your children and your family. Go through all of your personal care products and discard them. Find products that do not have PG as an ingredient. There is a whole industry that is available to you that is aware of this problem. These products might be a bit expensive but they work to keep you from ingesting poison on your body and near your brain. It is ever so important to keep PG based products away from your scalp or your brain area including cosmetics.
Make sure all of your baby products are devoid of PG.
I use Johnson & Johnsons baby Shampoo & conditioner. This company has finally changed their ingredients and this product is fine for your hair.
In the 90’s & the early and mid 2000’s myself and many others made web sites to inform the public about the dangers of PG in personal care products. I gave out business cards in stores that explained the problem. Many thought I was nuts but these companies hurt my baby and I was damn mad at them as any parent should be.
If I only influenced one person to avoid this crime of poisoning innocent infants, I did my job. On Friday, November 9, 2012, I ran into a girl that I knew when she was 18. She is now thirty. When she saw me she hugged my chest like I was her dad. ( I am 6’3″) (She couldn’t reach my neck to hug me there) Then she went on about her daughter when she used the newer ingredient Huggies and Pampers. She said even the new formula made her infant little girl break out in her private crotch area. “This problem is more problematic with infant girls.) She said she used every kind that was supposed to be safe like “Huggies Natural Care” and said that this would not work either.
She then went with my suggestion that I had given her twelve years earlier. She used the tub and folded the softest & smallest paper towels she could find in the tub. Then she used baby shampoo & a water mix to make her own soapy mixture to wet the towels.
Twelve years ago I suggested to her and to everyone else that they should get a spray bottle with shampoo and water and then spray the baby with this mixture and use a soft paper towel to mop it up. It is certainly cheaper to do it this way. They even make small rolls of paper towels now.
So now I know that I did help one person. Now I know that my efforts were not in vain. Now I hope that this web site has educated you to this heinous crime that is being committed on our youth and ourselves.
As I said, the leading brands of Huggies and Pampers have changed their formulas and from what this little girl of thirty years old told me recently. The change in the ingredients still is caustic to a child’s skin. I can only suspect that our movement in the 90’s and in the early 2000’s had some part in this change of ingredients, but obviously it did not change the problem 100%.
Just think, the only reason PG or any new ingredient is added in baby wipes is for shelf life. SHELF LIFE ONLY! The infant is not a factor in safety, it is all about Shelf Life of the product.
If it were not for PG or the new ingredients next to water, baby wipes would dry up before they could be purchased. Now they have and infinite shelf life because of glycerin that is not as toxic or not toxic compared to PG. Glycerin from petroleum seems to be the course taken by the food and product industry in food products today.
This has been a silent change over. You never knew of it before but now you are fully informed to be able to make choices for or against PG …. or for the new ingredients used that may be just as bad but not nearly as bad from this point forward.
One last point……… When the water evaporates naturally from the tub of wipes, only the chemical or PG is left to keep the wipes moist. This means that water is no longer the main ingredient after you open the container of wipes. Water will start to evaporate immediately after opening a tub of baby wipes. This is natural for water to evaporate when exposed to air.
In the future, I want to see vegetable glycerine as being used for the same purpose as petroleum based products for human consumption. Vegetable Glycerin is more expensive than petroleum based products. …….It is all about the bottom line profit…..NOT infant SAFETY! Remember that when you purchase baby products from now on. Make sure you look at the food ingredients too. Many times they break up the ingredient of Propylene Glycol by having Propylene at the end of the row of ingredients and then the Glycol part at the start of the next line of the ingredients. This is done purposely. Look at Kroger Popsicles the next time you are in a Kroger store. This is just one instance that I remember of the top of my head when I see PG as an ingredient in a food product. Just think, you are sucking on a frozen treat that has the same ingredients as your radiator fluid or your brake fluid. YUK!
Just think of how many people have died because they just never knew of this PG problem in IV solutions. Also check for Ethylene glycol in your products. You will find this ingredient in your products from time to time. EG is much more poisonous than PG but both are equally a poison/toxin to avoid.
Start reading those labels!
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